
Getting out of a lease???

by  |  earlier

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my neighborhood is horrible. my cars been broken into. people are drinking and smoking weed in their cars on the street. people peeing on the side walk and in front of my house. people come and chill on my back porch and front porch who i don't know. I've called the cops before but they rarely come. I'm female, disabled, and live alone with my service dog (hes a lover not a fighter he is no protection from strangers). I moved here from another state. I had asked my landlord if it was a safe neighborhood and he said yes. He lied. so what do i do now. I want to break my lease? what happens when you break a lease. If the neighborhood wasn't the ghetto i would stay because the house is beautiful, but worrying about getting mugged, raped, or killed everyday while walking to my car or walking the dog is no way to live. please help i need to get out of this house.




  1. While I truly feel for you, you signed a lease.

    *The police must come if you call.

    The time to call is when they are drinking and smoking weed in the cars.

    The landlord could talk to the owner of the other property, but he has no control over it.

    *At one complex I owned the police would not come out for one resident because of all her false calls.

    I forget the legal term they used.

    But, she cried about everything and wanted everyone to live like a church mouse.

    Break your lease and you will open a whole new can of worms you will not like.

    Without going into a long story, it will cost you.

    Try asking for a lease buy out.

  2. maybe try telling the land lord / agent maybe you can work out some kinda of agreement if you break the lease you will loose your bond and it will go on your rental history im not to sure what else happens but that's all i know but yeah ask your land lord / agent first and tell him if he wont come to some kind of arrangement you will break the lease that should get his attention

    hope this helps

  3. How much longer is your lease for.  and can you find a reliable roommate try and find other solutions for this temporary problem.  If you break your lease it could be on your rental history and you might have problems find another place to rent.   can you make friends with some of your neighbors and then you can watch out for each other.    

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