
Getting out of jury duty does this work...?

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i heard if you say you are racist they wont have you attend jury duty, is this true?

i hate jury duty




  1. If you stay through the questioning part and just state that you have relatives in the district attorney's office or have been helped by the district attorney and really respect him/her, then they will release you and you will not be called back.

    Sad to say, I would serve on a jury, but because I have had to work with the prosecutors to prosecute a child molester and we have two family members that are PO's and Court officers, I can not serve.

  2. No.

  3. Hate jury duty too. I always tell them that I don't believe in their legal system. They always let me go :-)

  4. Jury duty is just that, your duty, as a citizen, to serve on behave of the people of the county where you live. If everyone decided to say what you're saying,  who will evaluate cases?

    If you play the race card on jury duty they will not automatically dismiss you because they know lots of people say the same thing (just to get out of it). In the mean time you will be looked at by all in the room as being a racist. Then they will question you some more. You will then be dismissed. You will walk out of there frowned upon, labled and stared at by all those in the room.

  5. That's awesome.  Those smart enough to get out of Jury duty usually do, which is why I can never get my cases prosecuted as all I have on the jury are those that would rather sit in a trial than watch television that day.  You should go.  Make some prosecutor's life a little easier (or defense if he is innocent).

  6. It is sad you hate jury duty; however, you like to vote, have the police protect you, and enjoy the other rights and privileges of being a US Citizen don't you?  Well if you don't then just stand up during the initial session  of the jury panel and announce that you are renouncing your US Citizenship and will no longer accept the responsibility that went with the rights and privileges that you have just given up.

    Short of that the only good reason for getting out of jury duty is the immanent birth or death of a family member,

  7. yeah but what if you're sitting in on a trail of someone who is of the same race?  sort of hardto be racist against your own race.  not only that it sort of makes you look like a d-bag, suck it up and just do it.

  8. What I don't understand is all the people who try to get out of jury duty.

    Have they no sense of responsibility?

    Are they really this immature?

    Are they really this selfish?

    Can we depend on them for anything?

  9. Yes. But that's really pathetic. It's your civic duty to do jury duty when summoned. Some people don't like it, some do, but everyone should participate if called to do so.

    And you can't just say you are racist and not show up. You will have to go through voir dire where they ask you questions and discover your racism (or any disqualifying bias).

    But my suggestion is that you don't be selfish and just do jury duty. That's how are justice system operates, and if everyone just flaked out, the jury trial would be dead.

  10. civic duty...yeah...I've stuck to ' I trust the police to arrest guilty people" or something similar.  I happen to be an adorable old lady so it works for me.

  11. just do it man get it done and over with

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