
Getting out of military?

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my boyfriend has been in the army for about three years now and still has two years to go and hes been in iraq for over two years of that. he is completely done with it and wants to be out as soon as he can. he doesnt want to do anything to dishonor his country or the military but he cant stand being in it anymore. telling them ur g*y doesnt work anymore, too many people have done it, and hes not willing to fake suicide because that puts a psychiatric thing ur record. are there any channels that anyone knows of that he can go through to get him out early that wont result in a dishonorable discharge?




  1. there no point in trying to get out early he's just going have to wait he knows what he put himself in when he started

  2. Tell him to stop being a wuss. He signed up during a state of war, where's the surprise? Let me guess, he was a naive 18-22 year old who thought war would be easy like in the movies and that it'd be a walk through the park? Well, now he knows the truth. He may not like it, but he signed up for it and he should keep his word.

    "are there any channels that anyone knows of that he can go through to get him out early that wont result in a dishonorable discharge?"

    No there aren't. There is no honorable way of taking back a promise.

  3. then why did he join he has done 3 and only 2 to go have him do the 2 years and then he can do what he wants to  

  4. Sounds like a quitter. I couldnt stad being in my last year and a half but I sucked it up finished it the right way, and now I have a spotless record from the Marine Corps to be proud of. Tell him to stop being a B***H and finish out something in life and to get used to it. No one appreciates a quitter. In the military and outside of it. How does he ever expect to excel in life if he quits everything he commits to? Hmmmm how does that make you feel? When times are tough I can just quit attitude is just sad. Good Luck

  5. Glad I never signed up for no war.

  6. Nope, man up and make the best of it. He signed up while the war was going on so there's no surprise there. He is best to complete his time and get his benefits.

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