
Getting over a stomach virus, Clean up tips??

by  |  earlier

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I have been sick with a stomach virus, and today went well, so I am going to do my clean up tommorrow, I know to change my bed, wash my comfortor, pillows, bathroom rugs, what else?? Do I need to clean, I know my bathroom and my room is that it? Also what is a good cleaner??




  1. Bleach & Lysol

  2. I would take Clorox bleach at a ratio of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water (1 cup bleach to 10 cups water or 2 cups bleach to 20 cups water, etc) and wipe off door handles, faucet and toilet handles.  If you don't have any bleach, you can use any antibacterial cleaner to wipe off these surfaces, look at the bottles and see if they say antibacterial.  I use those Clorox wipes in my house when we are sick with flu or colds and they work well.  Any dishes that you used should be washed in very hot, soapy water or placed in the dishwasher in the sanitizing cycle.  Spray any surfaces you may have touched with Lysol disinfecting spray (make sure they can be sprayed with the spray so you don't ruin the finish).  Launder your sheets, pillowcases, blankets, towels, rugs, etc. in as hot water as the fabric will allow.  After mopping up the floor, take your bleach solution and wipe the floor with that, allow it to dry and then rinse with clear water.

  3. Just spray your room with Lysol disinfecting spray & clean as usual.

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