
Getting paid from energy companies to drill for natural gas on your property?

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Has anyone signed a lease for an energy company to do this? I know they say the will pay a royality of 25% if gas is found. Just out of curiosity and the do find gas, how much of a monthly commison will one get? I'm thinking maybe about $100?




  1. I don't know about the royalties but I do know that you are signing a permission contract for them to drive all types of vehicles around on your property and make a big mess. They can do this at all hours of the day and night.

  2. It would help if you live somewhere that gas could be found. I think your $100 fee is a bit paltry since finding gas or oil on your property would net millions in the long term.  

  3. before entering a business deal like that, check it out big time.

    i would think if gas is found your monthly check would be

    greater that one hundred dollars. good luck.

  4. I'm in North Louisiana, where the "Haynesville Shale" was recently found.  People all around are becoming quick millionaires b/c of gas companies leasing property and drilling.  They lease it by the acre, and the amount varies, from a few hundred to a few thousand per acre.  Which company you use makes a difference too.  And I know around here people are getting way more than $100 a month.  I know someone making $34,000/month from having them drill on his land.  So it all depends on how much land you have, and if oil or natual gas is found on it.  I own 34 acres, and it was already leased out to an oil company when I bought it.  I'm just hoping they find natural gas on it now!  I do have 50% mineral rights for 10 yrs, after that 100%.   That's another thing, people are furious finding out they don't even have mineral rights on their land.

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