
Getting preg at 13? advice?

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i am 13 and just wondering if people have any advice, this is a trend in my family and yes i will have plenty of people to support me in this! dont give me rude answers please... i really want this and i am mature enough to handle this and i have experience when it comes to child care, and no i wont pay attention to any rude comments anyone would make at my school...I WILL FINISH SCHOOL TOO I WONT JUST BE A WH ORE DROPOUT.




  1. Well, it sounds like you have all the answers...or think you do anyway. Are you looking for people to tell you they think it's a good idea? Good luck with that!  

  2. So you're telling us that your family supports ignoring the law? Its illegal for a 13 year old to have intercourse! Just because it's a family trend doesn't make it right.

  3. if u have support u will be fine just remember to love your child and u will have a ball and i dont think u needed me to tell u that good luck

  4. Sounds like your mind is made up. The choice is yours of course, but I hope you can open your mind and be willing to listen for a minute to  other people's points of view. I think you should consider waiting until you are

    1) Married (so your baby can have TWO stable loving parents)

    2) own a house or have your own nice place to live  (so your baby has a nice place to live)

    3)  finish high school and complete either college or technical school

    4) have a good job

    5) are above the age of 20.  girls who have pregnancies in their teenage years are at high risk for pre-eclampsia and birth defects and high blood pressure and premature birth.  their babies simply have more health problems.  wait until your body has finished growing, then have your baby.

    6) finish your teen years and enjoy your youth. you are only young and a teenager for a few brief years. you have the rest of your life to be an adult.  

    **Not counting your teenage years, women are fertile from age 20 to 45 , so that's 25 solid years of peak fertility.  So you have many many more years when you are no  longer a teenager during which you will have children.


  5. Sweet, you'll be able to share a car seat!

  6. in order to be READY for a baby you need to have the following

    your own house

    financial stability (preferably no government help)

    in a long term committed and loving relationship (preferably 5+ years)

    life experience and wisdom.

    now listen you SILLY LITTLE GIRL you are NOT READY  you need drastic medical help if you think that YOU at 13 years old can handle a baby!

    for a start who is financially going to support you!?!

    how will you finish school? a baby WILL not be able to look after its self whilst you study!

    i had my daughter at 18 unplanned and even though i was legally an adult, i still wasn't mature enough to cope, h**l yeah i thought i was but i definitly wasn't when i look back.

    so your saying your happy to NEVER have a fun teen life ever again!?

    having a baby will give you a saggy tummy and age you 20 years. your a child and besides your not old enough to have s*x and anyone much older than you that is sick enough to sleep with you would be a PAEDOPHILE!


  7. Wait, you're trying to get pregnant at 13?   If your family really would be as supportive and cool with it as you say then why don't you go ask them for advice on how to get pregnant?

  8. lots of people your age decide they want children i did i couldnt wait to be a mum but after thinking it through seriously i decided not to i had no money no education no boyfriend it doesnt matter that you have all this support around you dont you want to be able to bring up a child in your own house with your own money i did so i waited now iv been with my partner almost a year yeah i know its not that long but im now 17 weeks pregnant it wasnt planned or anything but we know we can do this because we have our own money and can afford to get our own place. Just think about this its a big decision i would really suggest waiting until then why not go see if you can get some work experiance in a nursery or somethink like that.

  9. it sounds like a huge responsibility at that age but if you think you can handle it and make ends meet then go ahead but be sure that you'll always have some1 to watch the baby when your gone so maybe you can still go party from time to time!!!

  10. This is pretty horrible. Parents are really losing their quality these days. How terribly sad and even devastating. Um. Advice? Don't get pregnant at 13. Mature enough? I laugh when I read that. I laugh because I remember being 13 thinking I was mature enough. Boy, have I gone through some hard lessons since then.  

  11. I Hope your parents a 'rich' enough to support you and your baby as you are to young to get a job. Otherwise it looks like its us tax payers paying for your stupid decision. Please grow up!

  12. Honestly, 13 is just so fun why mess it up with a baby? I'm not going to tell you or advise you to throw your life away, but I hope that it doesnt hinder you. I was pregnant with my first daughter at 18, even though i was out of school it was very hectic. I just want to say if you are mature like you say you are, you wouldn't be wanting this. This is assuming you arent pregnant yet. Now if you are, I feel sorry for TWO babies.  

  13. If you have posted this question to make people think how matured and bold you are at 13., then I doubt it

  14. ASHLEY, If you were next door to me I would do every thing in my power to have that guy who give you that child in prison for a very very

    long time like about 30 years. I would make shore that when he comes out that child is a grown man or woman, and if your parents say

    any thing about what I am doing, then they would also get some times in jail as well because they would be an accessory to the crime so they would have to do some times as well and if this had done some time ago

    then the pattern would be broken & Babies would not be having Babies & bost  on it like what you are doing now!.

  15. i remember when i was 13 and the most important thing was playing and having fun with the other kids!

    you are a child at 13 and you cant get into some movies at the cinema or drink or legally go on holiday on your own, let alone have s*x!

    leave the grown up stuff to the grown ups and enjoy being a child!

  16. Doesn't sound like you need advice. You gave all the answers in your question. Good luck to you.

  17. With all due respect, little girl...don't be a statistic!  You have your whole life ahead of you to be productive in life.  Get your education!  Having a baby your tender age will ruin your hopes and dreams. Its a lifetime responsibility.  Don't take this to be rude are tomorrows' future, Play it right!

  18. You just have to remember that everybody is there for you and you won't be alone.  You might get emotional along the way but remember that you are doing the right thing and you will have a wonderful feeling when you bring another human life to the world.  And like the first answer you answered all of your own questions.  But I'm sorry to admit it, aren't you a little young for s*x?  Is this what you really want?  Don't you want to stay a kid for a little while longer?  And then when the time comes, you get married and travel with your husband and go on vacation?  Wouldn't you be concerned about the influence on your child?  Think about it.  When you're 23, then you're kid will be ten.  Your child will look up to you and then the tradition will continue.

    Just my personal advice for you:

    Don't go for it.  You're a little too immature for it.  I'm trying to help you and not to be rude.  But don't do it.  This world doesn't need more bad influences.  Drugs, alcoholics, and people are gossiping about immature people getting pregnant at 16.  That's totally insane.  But, good luck.

  19. Get married before trying to have a baby!  Nothing looks trashier than a knocked up girl in a wedding dress.  "Mommy, was I an accident cuz you and daddy weren't even married?"  THAT is what you're going to have to put up with.

  20. I ahve 2 kids and i am 27 and all i can say is good luck !!!!! and I cnat understand ur parents !!!!!!! Get an education and make ur life little girl  

  21. I think the most obvious answer I can give you is, "How did it work out for the other Women i your family?" Do you come from a long history of well adjusted people who are successful and who have a tight and wonderful family unit? If not take the pattern and shake it up a bit. Be the one who breaks the pattern and be the one whose ancestors were sent on a fruitful and productive path! You have the power.......use it!

  22. If you were mature enough then you'd know what a terrible idea it is. 'I want' is not a mature attitude, anyway.

    I refuse to believe that your parents would support what is nothing less than an illegal act. YOU CANNOT HAVE s*x before the age of 16 in the UK and 18 in many other countries. You're clearly a bored kid messing around on the internet. Get a job or go outside and get some exercise.

  23. has anyone else noticed there are about 4 of these "girls" on here right now with the whole sickening 13 pregnant thing right now..bored i guess

  24. Ashley, my advise is don't do it!  I know that is not what you want to hear.  I don't doubt that you can become successful with a child - just you owe yourself a little time to be you - learn to enjoy yourself as you.  You have been a girl til now - grow into a woman.  Then have a baby, you will enjoy it more - and so will your child.

  25. Hello, in my opinion i would say wait till your older ,16 at least ,but its your life, choose to act on what you think is right ok. But please understand dropping out of school will leave you difficulties. I am 15 i have experience with getting a girl pregnant not a good choice ,it was by accident but we sorted it out . She actually wanted the child but i had to give her a talk and think about what she wanted and best for the baby. At the end of the day think of the reason you want to get pregnant make a plan for the future ,and if still wanting a child at your age make sure you have support.

    Hope this helps.

  26. What's the trend in your family, getting pregnant at 13yrs old? Someone should call social services!  Wait until you are an adult first, your future children will thank you for it. If you want any advice, sounds like a case for Jerry Springer.

  27. I am going to put this as nicely as I can. Do you realize that you are still a child yourself? You may think that you are ready for a child but I assure you that you aren't. I know you probably want a baby because you think they're cute and sweet and fun but I'm pretty sure that when its 3am on a school night and your baby wakes you up screaming its head off and it won't quit, you won't think they're so cute anymore. Yeah, when you're truly ready for a child, I'm sure it's more than worth it to take care of that baby even if it does mean never getting any sleep but at your age, not so much. Why would you want to throw your youth away like that? High school is full of so many worthwhile experiences that you will regret missing out on if you ruin your life by getting pregnant at 13. Not only is the physical part of someone your age carrying a child life threatening but you are no where near emotionally prepared for that sort of experience. And just because your family has had children young doesn't mean you have to carry on that tradition. I can assure you if you do this you will regret it, please don't throw your life away. AT LEAST wait until your out of high school.  

  28. The fact that you think you're mature enough to have a baby at 13 shows how incredibly immature you are. You are a baby yourself and should not having s*x, getting pregnant while your body hasn't even finished growing is dangerous. Grow up first and play with a doll in the mean time

  29. You seem to be really mature so I doubt we could tell you anything you don't already know. My advice though would be to wait until you are 18 and your body can handle it better and remember that it is better to be in a stable relationship which is impossible at 13.

  30. You do know you;ll be breaking the law right?? Your a minor. A child yourself however mature you may think you are.  

  31. Why wouldn't you want to wait until your body is at least done growing to start growing another human? I was 13 when I got my period....I was too afraid to have s*x and was just busy still being a kid. You should do the same.

    Wait until you have a mature man, and wait until you are mature enough to be able to work and live on your own! don't count on mommy and daddy to take care of you AND your baby just because they have to.

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