
Getting pregnant advice please!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im supposed to ovulate on the 30th..i had intercourse on the 24th..should i do it again just to be on the safe side or i dont have anything to worry about because the sperm will last..just curious..trying to make this the last time i try to conceive...:)




  1. Yes, I would do it everyother night 5 days before and 5 days after!

  2. Why would you ask?  JUST DO IT.  The more the merrier right?

  3. Yes do it every night until two days after ovulation!!!

  4. you need to bd(advise from most gyne dr's) every 48 hrs when ttc.i would bd on 26th 28th 30th and 1st.if you want to bd on the 29th too then i wouldnt think it could hurt.

    the 24th might have been a little too early

  5. yes! have s*x! and have fun! ... it seems like you're looking at it as a chore! ay ay ay...

    depending on your partners sperm count you should have s*x everyday, or every other day, especially on and around your fertile days, when you're trying to conceive.

    baby dust to you!

  6. The sperm will NOT last that long.

    On average, sperm generally live 2-3 days with 4-5 days being the absolutely LONGEST they will live and that's only in optimal conditions. It's very unlikely though.

    You should definately have intercourse the 28th, 29th, & 30th because the vast majority of pregnancies occurr in the two days before and the day OF ovulation.

    If you do not have s*x again you will not conceive this month, I can say with almost utmost certainty.

    Good luck! I hope you conceive.

  7. Keep having s*x until after the day you ovulate.

  8. I would babydance again, just to be sure you have really covered your fertile period. You say "supposed" to ovulate, does that mean you are tracking via an online calendar? I would recommend the use of Ovulation test strips - you can buy these cheaply and in bulk on ebay and will give you the optimum 24-48 hour timeframe for having s*x, as they measure the ammount of LH [Lutenising Hormone] in your urine, which ultimately induces the release of a matured egg for fertilisation, a day or two after a positive test. Sometimes, ovulation can be thrown out by an all-important day or two in a cycle. This is why I would strongly recommend another babydancing session before the 30th!

    Good luck! xx

  9. I think you suppose to do it two days before you ovulate the day of and two days after just in case.

  10. Sperm lives about three days in the female body depending on the texture of your cervical mucus co you can start having s*x today and make sure after s*x to lay still for twenty minutes with a pillow under you pelvic region. It is best to have s*x on the 29th so that the egg meets sperm already in your cervix and missionary and doggy style gives better penetration for becoming pregnant.

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