
Getting pregnant with a boy or girl?

by Guest59592  |  earlier

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Has anyone used various home remedies and/or techniques to try to conceive a child of a particular gender?

Does it actually work? Or is it all a bunch of baloney?




  1. The techniques only improve your odds for the s*x you are trying to get.  They are not 100%.  For example, they say to have s*x before ovulation for a girl because X sperm swim slower.  Having s*x 1-2 days give the Y sperm (boys) just the same odds.  You'll have both X and Y sperm sitting there waiting for the egg.  But you can also look at it like-- if you want a girl but keep timing s*x on lh surge day or ovulation day, you decrease your chances because the slow X sperm may not make it up there in time.

  2. baloney God and only God is the only one who can decide  

  3. there's nothing you can do to get a certain gender.

    it's up to the fathers sperm as to what the baby is.

    it all depends on if the x or y sperm swims.

  4. I few people I know swear that they got pregnant with boys by douching before they had s*x.  Supposedly since the female sperm are faster, they are affected by remanants of the douche solution and allows the male spermthe time they need.

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