
Getting professional pictures of you breastfeeding?

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A friend of mine just had a baby and got there first family pics. she also got pictures of her naked, breast feeding her naked baby and her husband was holding the babys head without his shirt on. Then they got close ups of the babys mouth sucking on her nipple all in back and white.

Do you think that is beautiful or weird? Where would you hang that?




  1. I've seen that kind of pic used for avatars, with a close up of the baby at the breast.  I think they're awesome.  I wish I had the guts to do it.

  2. i think it sounds beautiful.  i probably wouldn't put them on my living room wall, but i would love to have an album so that i could remember those special times.

  3. I think it's beautiful. I have thought of having it done myself but felt strange about it. I don't know if I am that comfortable. My favorite pictures of my son in his first moments of life outside of me are of him breastfeeding for the first time minutes after he was born.

  4. It sure sounds like it'd beat the h**l out of the rather overdone "Arrogant male doctor holds squalling newborn awkwardly, while doped-up Mummy, not allowed to get up, lies dazed with tubes running out of her arm. Not pictured: Daddy" first family pics.

  5. I think it is beautiful.  

    They are probably private portraits, not ones they are going to display for everyone to see.

  6. Thats wonderful and I think its great to capture a moment like that but I wouldnt take the picture naked.

  7. Well...

    I have to put it in perspective, I guess.

    I would NEVER have photos of myself done naked, although I'd have them done breastfeeding.

    She must have great genes if she was comfortable being photographed naked after having given birth.  lol  I was stretchmarked from my knees to my b***s.  Then again, I had twins, probably different.

    Anyhow... I did have a photo of the first time I attempted breastfeeding in the hospital and sadly I lost the photo when my laptop crashed.  :-(

    Of course, now I look at it from the child's perspective.  I would be mortified to see a picture of myself sucking on my mom's boob.  I know I was breastfed and I appreciate my mom for doing that, but I prefer to think of it in the abstract.  It grosses me out thinking of putting my mouth on any part of her body.  lol  Seeing a photo of it would probably make me vomit.  lol

    So no, I probably wouldn't do closeups of my baby's mouth on my nipple.  For my baby's sake, I'd say no.

  8. I think it's beautiful.  It's a natural part of life.  If you look at a lot of Renaissance paintings, MANY show the Baby Jesus being breastfed.  It's only in "modernized, western" countries that b*****s have been so sexualized that people cringe when they see one being used for their intended purposes.

    Where would I hang that?  Anywhere I felt comfortable.  If, at some point, my child stated that s/he didn't feel comfortable having that displayed for some reason, I'd respect his/her feelings at the time, but, I don't think it's something to be ashamed of.

  9. I think that is beautiful, and a neat keepsake... but I wouldn't hang them on my wall for everyone to see ... I would make a nice little photo album for myself!!!

  10. It's a personal beauty... not one I would display for all my friends and family to see.

  11. "Do you think that is beautiful or weird?"

    I personally thinks it's beautiful. Nothing at all wrong with capturing your feeding baby on film.

    "Where would you hang that?"

    If it were me, I would hang it somewhere private, such as my bedroom or nursery. Not because I would be ashamed to show it off, but because it is something personal between mother, father, and baby.

  12. I think it's wonderful because it immortalizes a time of closeness you will never experience again.

    I think any feelings of disgust are just (unfortunately) reflecting societies view of breastfeeding, and our very weird preoccupation and sexualization of b*****s.

    Is it disgusting to have a picture of pregnant mummy? Or an ultrasound? Oh dear, if a baby sucking on a nipple is disgusting, imagine how disgusting a picture of a baby inside the mothers sexual organs is!!! OMG, jeezus. Will we ever recover? I can just imagine the acts that led to the procreation of that baby, and it's traumatizing me.

    Sounds silly, doesn't it?

  13. I breastfeed, but I wouldn't get pictures taken like that...

    Good grief, how embarrassing is that gonna be for the kid when they're older.  May be beautiful, but nobody really wants to see it...

  14. beautiful, I am sure they were done tastefully. Hang it in the bedroom, or family room, I guess it depends on how they look. If they are trashy, hang them in the basement?

  15. Well...I guess in a way it's beautiful, but in a way it's a bit weird too. I know of a lot of people that have done 'naked' pictures with their newborn, but not of them breastfeeding. I'm not sure that I would do something like that. But if I did, I wouldn't hang it up in the living room lol that's for sure. I think I'd keep that a private picture.

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