
Getting punished twice?

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is it fair that if you get punished at school (detention or something) and they call your parents, is it fair if you get punished at home too?

thats what happends too me

is it fair i always yell at them saying its not




  1. ok if you hurt two people do you expect one of them to yell of you and the other to watch or do you expect both of them yelling at you ... at school you disordered things .. so you hurt the system even though this system is the one helping you to be a better person so that's why you are punished at school , now at home you are punished for another reason , you are punished for letting your parent down humiliate them in front of the school when they should be proud of you .. they also are trying to make you a better person and when that doesn't happen they will punish you ..

    at the same time when you get good grades .. you get lots of credit at school .. and when you get back home your parent gives you again lots of credit for it .. do you complain then ? ....


  2. It depends on how you have been punished at school, and what for. Often schools can only do so much because of rules, and so they rely on parents to add some discipline to make the student understand that he or she really did wrong. If it was some little thing that doesn't deserve more than detention, then I would leave it at that. But if I learn from either of my girl's teacher that she seriously misbehaved (such as hurting another student or being rude to a teacher or cheating in class) then she can be sure to get a spanking at home in addition to whatever she got at school.

  3. I always got punished twice, It's fair I'm afraid!

  4. It's absolutely fair.  You get in trouble at school for whatever you did, and then you get in trouble at home for getting in trouble in school.

    If my children get in trouble in school, they better believe they have to answer for it at home!

  5. It's fair.  And you should stop yelling at your parents.  Just think...real life is even more unfair.  Is it fair that someone get punished from their boss for stealing by getting fired, and then get punished from the law by getting arrested?  Yes, it is.  Consider yourself lucky.

  6. Life is not fair.  Important lesson they are teaching you.  Plus, people generally get punished by all those they are accountable too.  So even as an adult, it is common that we are punished (in different ways of course) when are actions are not what is expected by every person we are accountable too.  

  7. It is completely fair. Most kids will get punished at home if they have gotten in trouble at school and been sent to detention. It's a way for your parents to show you that what you did was not right, and that that behavior will not be tolerated. Your best bet is to take your punishment from school and home and when it's over, make sure not to make that same mistake again.

  8. Has it ever occurred to you that you wouldn't GET punished from both ends if you'd live up to your parents' and teachers expectations for you?

    And just FYI: Yelling NEVER works against parents.

  9. When I was in high school detention wasn't sh*t. We went into a room for 30 mins of our lunch and played poker and ate candy... So punishment when I got home was no big deal for me.  

  10. Let's put it this way:

    Say you're all grown up and married. You have a job, and decide to steal from them. Not only do you get fired, you also get put in jail.

    Or, you decide to get it on with a co-worker in the broom closet. Not only are you fired, you're getting divorce papers.

    Or, you get drunk and wreck a car, and hurt yourself and others. Not only does the insurance punish you, not only does the justice system punish you, hopefully your conscience will also punish you for hurting others with your irresponsibility.

    Get it?

  11. It really depends on what happened.  Sometimes getting in trouble with school will not take care of the problem and people often need more consequences....parents make the ultimate decision with discipline!  

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