
Getting punished!! uhoh?

by  |  earlier

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ok mom called and told me i HAD to clean the garage.i said i didnt want to and i wasnt gunna . so i hung up she called back and said i had to if i didnt i would be punished but not tht i still said no. and i said she should u are being lazy. u cant make me do anytinhg. u can punish me im not scared to be grounded. she said i am going to be punished when her and my dad get home n i wont like it and it wont be getting grounded. and if i dont clean the garage i will be punished more. she also said this time ai am going to punish u . u cant make me back out. and i by accidently cursed and hungup :[


now im going to be punished but i dont want to be.

even if i clean i am still going to be (i dont wanna clean so)

and what do u think it will be??


what would u do if i was ur daughter help!!!




  1. I would totally cut you off.  If you are old enough to choose not to do chores, you are old enough to fend for yourself.  I would make dinner for everyone else, but not you, you can make your own dinner.  I wouldn't do your laundry, or buy you clothes, or stuff, I wouldn't drive you anywhere - you have a bike, I wouldn't do anything for you unless you started doing stuff for the rest of the family - like cleaning out the stupid garbage and RESPECTING your parents!  

  2. I wouldn't know but she''ll definetly make you clean out the garage anyway, so you might as well get it over with. If she does spank you its done and over with quickly.

    Ps. I don't mind bad spelling but use real words and capitilize the word I.

  3. If you were my daughter, I wouldn't have gotten into a stupid power struggle with you in the first place.  I would have just said, "ok, that's your choice", and then next time you wanted to do something, I'd have said, "well, I'm sorry I'm not able to accomodate you, because the garage still needs to be cleaned.  If I have to do it for you, then you'll have to give up something you want to do, of equal value and time.  Or, you could do it yourself, and lose out on [let's say you want to go out with your friends] this outting.  It's up to you."

    If your mom is intent on "punishing" you, I can see why you've ended up in this power struggle.  She feels she needs to prove that she's bigger and badder than you.  How fun for you both.  NOT.  Good luck with that.  (And I don't know what her chosen "punishment" will be, but I guarantee that since she's set this whole interaction up as a power struggle, it's going to be as much of a punishment for HER as it is for you.  That would be a natural consequence.)

  4. This is exactly what is giving today's youth a horrible stereotype. You were rude and refused to do as asked.

  5. Well I would have washed your mouth out with soap for talking back and cursing. As for not cleaning up the garage I would not do stuff for you and make you do everything yourself (including meals) for at least a month. If your mom would add something on to that then that would be extra onto my punishment. How old are you anyhow? I would have never dared to talk to my parents like that.

  6. u know? maybe ur parents are getting sick and tired of telling u what to do. u're old enough to see when something needs to be done around the house and everybody should help each other out. u guys are  afamily. and i ams ure both ur parents work HARD to have what u have an i wouldnt dare to call my parents LAZY. sorry, andi dont care if u dotn choose me as a best answer cuz of this, but u need to grow up and be more responsible. u sound like a 13 year old spoiled rotten child thats lazy as h**l. help ur parents out! and the whole" i dont wanna clean attitude" is just ridiculous. if u were my daughter i would be very very disappointed and hurt and coudlnt believe outta a cute tiny baby such monster can grow. clean up ur act and stop being so lazy and stubborn.

  7. I'd first teach you how to write a paragraph that ppl can understand!

    Then wash your mouth out w/ vinegar for arguing and ground you for not helping out around the house!

  8. First I would take the computer away from you and cell phone no friends over or phone calls. You need to be respectful to your mother. Imagine this God forbid she got into an accident and was hurt very badly then how would you feel about how spoke to her knowing the last thing you said was a cuss word. Shame on you for that do what your mom tells you she deserves respect apologize to her for how you spoke to her and do your choirs.  

  9. dont be a brat.

    id wash your mouth out.

    spanking too.

  10. if you were my daughter , your father , me , and you would have a long chat. if 13 and under , spanking could still be a choice. i would make you clean the house , ground you for 2 weeks , and make you help in a animal shelter for 2 saturday mornings as my punishment for you. whatever your father would add also would be given. if he chose to spank your bottom , you will have earned it. cursing at me would never be tolerated.  

  11. Gee... First, please think about this you think your parents have the best time going to work? Do you think getting out of bed early, going to a job, dealing with moody bosses, and cranky clients,  cleaning house, doing laundry, cooking, playing chaufer & maid sounds like much fun to you? If they didn't have to do all these things, or spend thier money on clothes & food & fun for you, what kind of fun things do you think they would be doing for themselves? Do you realize your parents have to 'earn' all th things they have & all the things you have too? Do you realize that they probably give up things they want for themselves in order to get things for you?

    You are behaving like a spoiled, selfish brat...what do you do to 'earn' the clothes you have on your back or the food you eat each day. What are you willing to give up for your parents? Do you love your parents? If they died on the way home today, How would you take care of getting & keeping the things you have?

    Stop worring about the trouble you are going to get into & look at how you can start to 'pay' back your parents for all the things they provide you (like  a pc & internet connection)!

    If you were my kid, I'd have you get a job, & start paying for food, rent, & phone bills....

  12. If you were my daughter I would take your computer and

    internet away for the rest of the summer.

    And make you read the dictionary so you can learn how to spell.

  13. i thinkyou handled the situation totally wrong but i also dont agree you should clean the garage as most of the mess in there will belong to your parents. if they hit you call childline and report them.

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