
Getting "Cut Off" on the Road?

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What do you do when you are driving your car and then somebody cuts you off short and you have to slam on the brake? Also what do you do when they in addition to cutting you off, they start going slower than you were originaly going?




  1. I keep my cool and don't use the horn and if opportunity presents itself I get around and away from as this guy must have issues and I want to avoid conflict as in LA he could very well have a gun.

  2. There are millions of drivers on the roads--defensively you need to be on the look out for them--stay away from them---be alert for those crummy drivers---we all experience being cut off--just always pay attention and be prepared. Doesn't matter how they drive--YOU have to drive like a pro at all times--anytime you avoid an accident --be proud that you made the right moves. Having an accident or slamming on the brakes means you were too close or not thinking ahead. Just keep doing the right thing. Driving is an adult, mature job--it is all in the attitude--we all have to share the road together--good and bad drivers.

  3. well, i have a couple vehicles so it depends.

    when driving my plow truck, you better NEVER find yourself looking at me in the rear view.

    when i drive my little corolla i just drop a couple gears and pass em on the shoulder.

    when I'm riding my bike i drop a gear and pass with my exhaust as close to their open window as possible.

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