
Getting rid of ANTS!!!

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We have a major ant problem! The really little ones, no big black ones....but they are everywhere!! We have bought multiple kinds of traps, and even bug bombed the house. But they are still here. Is there anything new we can try?? Something that will really work...immediately!




  1. We've had the same problem here (So. Cal) too whenever the weather gets hot.  It all came to a stop last year though, when I discovered "Amdro Ant Block".  This stuff is an ant bait that you put down all around the outside of your house in a swath of about 2 ft wide along the base of your home.  It looks like tiny little yellow pebbles (smaller than bb's) that are light weight and scatter easily.  It took a few weeks for full effect, but we haven't seen any ants inside the house since.  I repeat the treatment about twice a season. If you live in a multi unit apartment building, it might not work as well, but you can check their site for more info.  Actually, I just did this and see that they now offer their product in liquid form, presumably for inside use.  I'm sure you can find Amdro in lots of home stores, we get it locally at Lowes. Good luck in your battle with those tiny terrors!

  2. At this time of the year I don't know why but they are everywhere. My house is like an ant farm. I went in my cabinets and to pull some tacos out and wow. The got in those. Now everything in my cabinets that's not in a can is in zip lock bags. I just us the regular old Raid ant spray. It happens every year around this time. We just spray spray spray.  

  3. Get some food grade diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle it around the base of all your walls and windowsills and you will not have ants anymore. Make sure you get the food grade though because the industrial has a high content of silica and is hazardous. It is not harmful to your family or pets and can even be used to get rid of intestinal parasites when small amounts are added to food. It is a fine powder that looks like flour but has microscopic edges that will tear apart the exoskeleton of ants,spiders.roaches,worms,beetles and most other small pests. They track it back to their nests and spread it and will wipe out the others.

  4. This may sound weird, but sprinkle cayenne pepper around.  I've heard that works.
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