
Getting rid of FLEAS .. ?

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Well i need to get rid of my cats fleas!!

any ways to get rid of them??

but i cant get shampoo's or anything cuz we are tight on Money.

If there is any way's Thanks





  1. well if you have a fine toothed comb ,then get a pan and fill it with water and washing up liquid , then get the comb and wet it with the soapy water when you have done that come the cats fur and you will actually see the fleas dying in the pan it works great i know this from experience and it is not expensive i hope this helps for you and your poor little kitty !x

  2. Flea shampoo and flea power isn't neccessary to get rid of fleas but it helps. I would suggest washing you cat with soapy water. You can also get a flea comb and brush your cat everyday, put all the fleas you find in soapy water.  Also if any fleas get on the carpet, then sprinkle salt all over the carpets and vacuum everyday (fleas cant live in an environment with salt). Good Luck!

  3. Bomb your house.  Dawn dish liquid does a fairly good job.

  4. If you're tight on money, washing the cat in citrus dishsoap usually helps kill off fleas, but you'll have to treat the house too. If you can't afford $5 for a flea bomb, then try Borax (in the laundry detergent aisle). It can be sprinkled on the carpet, left for a few hours, then vaccuumed up. The boric acid in the powder suffocates fleas and the eggs.

  5. You need to get a proper flea treatment such as Advantage.  Shampooing does not only kills SOME of the fleas on the cat, but does nothing for eggs, etc.  Do not use dish detergent on your cat either..also not effective and can cause your cat some serious dry skin issues, or rashes.  Just get the money together for proper treatment, it will save you money in the long run rather than purchasing a bunch of stuff that is not going to work.  In the mean time, purchase a flea comb until you can get the proper meds.  

  6. You can buy Capstar and Frontline Plus at . The Capstar will kill all the fleas on your cat almost instantly and the frontline will prevent re-infestation. Use the Capstar right away. It will kill all fleas on your cat with in an hour. It is imperative that you do not skip this. Frontline (or advantage, revolution, promeris, etc.) is only effective if the flea bites the cat. Fleas have a 3 week lifespan and only feed for a few days of those three weeks, so you must use Capstar to kill all live fleas on your cat. After you Capstar add on the Frontline Plus and it will keep fleas off your cat for 30 days. Any eggs that hatch will be killed when they feed by the Frontline. Refrontline every 30 days. No vet visit required and totally safe.

    Frontline contains fipronil, which spreads via the body oils killing fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Ticks are generally killed before they bite, decreasing the risk of tick-borne disease transmission. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    Frontline Plus also contains (S)-methoprene, an Insect Growth Regulator, which prevents an insect from maturing or reproducing. Approved for use on kittens 8 weeks and older.

    You can use FRONTLINE flea and tick control once a month and it's completely waterproof. Provide your cat with the best flea and tick protection, right from the start.

    Capstar - Treats flea infestations on pets. Starts killing adult fleas on the pet within 30 minutes. One dose lasts 24 hours. Use when pets are likely to be exposed to fleas. Also may be used prior to surgery, boarding, or grooming. Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with the normal nerve transmission of insects, effectively killing them. Not a preventive. For pets over four weeks of age. Package of 6.

  7. The best way unfortunately is going to cost you something.  You need to treat your kitty with either Frontline or Advantage.  You can pick it up at your local Petsmart.  Once you treat your cat the fleas will go away.  If you don't have the money to get rid of the fleas then I don't really think there is a solution.

  8. You should try to find a way to get some Advantage or Front Line.  You just put it on the upper back where she can't l**k it off.  Also, you can put a little bit of vinegar (about a teaspoon to a gallon of water) in her drinking water.  The fleas don't seem to like that.

    She has probably spread plenty of them around your house, so you will have to get rid of those.  You can do a lot of vacuuming (take the bag outside to the trash or the fleas will get back out into the house).  Another way to get them is to put a low bowl, like a cereal bowl,of water with one drop of dish washing liquid under a night light.  The fleas jump at the light and land in the water.  The dish washing liquid breaks the surface tension of the water so the fleas will sink.

    You should do all these things to really get rid of them.

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