
Getting rid of a ghost?

by  |  earlier

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my friend has a ghost in her house ow can we get rid of it we think it cold be evil and she is having a baby and doesnt want it to hurt the baby because she thinks that her aunt was cursed buy a witchs goghst and so she doesnt want it to hurt her baby




  1. Suck it up with a vacuum. A ghost is no match for a dirt devil

  2. well it depends what its actions are just because its their it does not mean its evil in my home their is 3 of them all nice beings you can always ask it to leave on its own to go to the light and leave the world of the living

    don't always assume things

    best wishes

    also try and make contact speak to it it ask a question and if it wishes to answer tell it to make a noice talk and find out its reason for being there

    don't threaten it how would you feel if some one does it to you????

  3. Say a prayer and burn incense or sage while holding the smoke to all the corners of the home. Alternatively, write a prayer on paper and put it in some water, or a vase full of water with flowers is even better. Sprinkle this water in all the corners. That should be enough to get rid of a simple ghost. You can also get a talisman against the evil eye to hang over the crib or at the entrance. The Muslims use the verse, "Ayat al Kursi" for getting rid of evil spirits in the home. You can google it. If you print it out, you can use that as your prayer if you want. I have found it to be effective. Fresh flowers in the bedroom help keep away bad dreams. Most of all she has to just keep praying to God to protect her baby and don't let any cats near the newborn.

  4. priest

    ghost hunters

    ghost busters

  5. Salt around house

    Holy Water

  6. Try some of the suggestions above on your own first and if they don't seem to work then I suggest you get some kind of spiritual medium in there and see if any direct contact can be made. Of course you can always skip all that and just find an energy worker and have them move all the unwanted energies out of the home. Every home needs a good cleaning every now and then anyway.

  7. what?!!? ur white arent you? lol dude..get out of the house!

  8. Well, i'd acknowledge them first. Let them know that your aware of their presence. Tell them they have a resting place in heaven and they need to leave. Lastly, tell them with a stern voice-LEAVE NOW GO TO YOUR FINAL RESTING PLACE IN JESUS' HOLY BLESSED NAME I PRAY. If that doesn't work consult a priest.

  9. You can go find a ghost whisperer who can communicate with ghosts and who can convince them to cross over to the next realm or you can sing and chant the Holy Names of God which ghosts hate it because, upon hearing God's Holy Names, it reminds them to love and serve God which they do not like it very much. Singing and chanting the Holy names of God will make them either leave you alone or leave your place.

  10. What!/ Elephant's toe nail? Dog's ears" A Chicken's chick's toe nail?

    Why in the peacock's toe nail would you believe in ghosts? This almost seems like a joke.

  11. Witch goghst always curses the aunt but doesn't hurt the aunt's baby unless it is cold and evil.

    I think you need a cat.

    And a remedial English class.

  12. I've been told the best way is to change this first and then have a priest bless the house. By change things I mean repaint the walls and perhaps take up the carpet and/or lay down new carpet.

    You don't have to spent a lot of money, just try and change it as much as you can.

    Then ask a priest to bless the house.

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