
Getting rid of a wasp nest in a rental property. Who should take care of it?

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I'm allergic to bee and wasp poison and it's a health hazard for me. I had a considerable number of wasp nests around the entry to my house, to the point that it was risky to get in and out. I asked management at my property to take care of them. They got rid of some nests, but there's still a big one on top of my carport.

Am I in my right to insist that their landscaping employees remove it? I would take care of it myself, but I live in a rental property, and since the carports are common areas I'm afraid that using chemicals might be a liability.




  1. Its a 'common' area, its the apartment management's responsibility.

    I'd suggest you put your request to have it removed in writing, to the management, and ask for a response.  They should tell you when it will be taken care of.  If it is a large nest, they may want to contract it out to a specialist, rather than have a 'landscape' or maintenance tech attempt to remove it.

    By the way, since your allergic, I'd suggest you consult your doctor about something to carry in case of an emergency.  I keep Benedryl stocked in a first aid kit, but there are special 'pens' that can be carried for those who are severely allergic.

    Good Luck

  2. Yes, management should be handling this. Advise them (always in writing...always keep a copy) that a nest was missed, that you are allergic, etc. They don't want to be sued, they will be glad someone spotted the missed nest before something bad happened and they will take care of this.

    Hopefully ASAP.

  3. I agree with Eric

  4. Well, you basically have 2 choices don't you.  You can try to get your rental management to remove it, which they may or may not do.  If they decide they still might have to wait a long time.  Or have remove it yourself or have someone you know remove it who isn't allergic.  The second choice would probably get you the fastest results.  Some landlords take their time getting around to doing things like this and sometimes it's better to take matters into your own hands and just get rid of it and be done with it.  As long as it's gone and no one got hurt in anyway, I would spray the dang thing myself and get rid of it.  

  5. The landlord should arrange for the removal. It is a maintenance/safety item outside that is his/her responsibility.


  6. Get a bunch of newspapers. Roll it and set it on fire. Put it under the wasp nest. It will burn their wings instantly as they come out of the nest. Pull down the nest and destroy. Be careful enough not to burn the carport. Having a bucket of water at hand might be helpful. Sparaying them with soapy water might also help. The soapy water causes their wings to stick and fall to the ground. That will give you enough time to destroy the nest without using chemicals. Good luck!!!!

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