
Getting rid of fleas in the house?

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My cat brought fleas into the house. She wasn't even supposed to be outside but my mom felt bad for her and let her out. Well it is so bad every time I stand up I get like 6 or 7 jumping on me. I bought a flea spray. My mother was supposed to help me spray the cat but then the cat cries, my mother feels bad, and refuses to help. I hate bugs and am getting so annoyed by this. Is there anything I can do that will make them go away or at least keep them out of my room?




  1. You'll have to use a flea bomb (room fogger) to get rid of them. You may need to buy more than one, depending on the size of your house. Be sure to read the directions, because a few people actually HAVE blown their houses up with these things (by using way too many and leaving their pilot lights on).

    You should wait to set the bug bombs off until the cat has had a flea treatment, the kind where they apply the flea medicine to the back of the neck.

    You'll all need to be out of the house for several hours, until the insecticide settles.

  2. Flea bomb, and get a good Flea killer like Advantage, or Frontline  for your cat.  You may have to use the medicine on her more than once.  Fleas have cycles.  I have them now because my fur kids are outdoor/ indoor kind of kids and fleas are just a hazard we deal with.  

    Flea medication for cats can be got at Pet supermarkets, or Vets,  It costs though.  We pay about 20 dollars a piece to treat our five guys.  

  3. I don't think you should be posting this in adolescents.  

  4. Yes, here is what you do: Tell your mom to woman up! Otherwise these fleas will only reproduce and get uncontrollable- they also carry diseases other bacteria. The last thing you want is to have fleas in your kitchen- you could get very sick if one of the fleas is contaminated. Get your mom to help you with the cat. Cats cry- it's what they do. It doesn't mean she is in pain, it means she doesn't want to be sprayed with the flea spray. It is like a child pouting when they don't get a toy from Wal-Mart! It doesn't mean the child is in pain, or is going to die- it means the child wanted the toy, and got mad cuz they couldn't have it! In less than 10 minutes they will have forgotten about the toy, and the cat will forget about being sprayed.  If your mom won't help you, get someone else to. Spray the cat (no matter how much it cries!) then spray the whole house, top to bottom, and wash all sheets, blankets, pillow cases, towels, clothes, etc. so you can start fresh. I also suggest you get your cat a flea collar, just incase she gets let out again! Good luck!

  5. I think this question is in the wrong section, lol. But I know that my neighbor had to drop a flea bomb in her house. I'm not sure where you can buy it. Probably walmart or a pet store. You have to leave your house for like 3-4 hours while it works. The negative part is that it leaves a white residue on everything that you have to wipe off. I'd look into this because there really is no other way to remove them once they get that bad. I suggest getting your cat a flea collar, or getting some front line drops to put on the cat's back.

  6. You should either buy your cat a flea collar, take her to the vet to get flea shots, or call the Pest Control. Aw, hat the h**l, just do all 3 instead!

  7. girl i had the same problem with my cat. my mother in law told me to pour salt all over the floor and leave it over night then the next day vacuum the floor. i didnt think it would work but it worked  

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