
Getting rid of little zit like things?

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I have teeny little zit things on my forehead, mostly between my eyebrows. They're not zits, but are as small as goosebumps. There's a few on the rest of my forehead but it's the worst between my eyebrows. You can see it, especially if theres light, and it looks bad especially on certain angles if you know what I'm trying to say. It's also a slight shade of pink but i cannn't get rid of them! The rest of my skin is very clear and smooth except for these really ugly bumps on my nose and I don't know what they are! I use a scrub daily, I wash my face, use a toner daily and everything and it does a good job at keeping my face clean and smooth but this just won't go away! But anyway, does anyone have any *at-home* remedies I can use that can make this go away on my forehead?

Thanks! =)




  1. You could try a baking soda and warm water mask. Just make a paste with the two, and leave it on for about 10 min, then rinse off.  

  2. sounds like you have milia and it can happen after the skin was a little irritated, may be you waxed and then it got irritated. what you should do it do a little stronger exfoliation like a salicylic or glycolic treatment once a week

  3. Could be a form of hives.  Don't panic, that makes them worse.  They could be stress-related.  

    Drink some relaxing blend of hot tea. and try to reduce mental stress for a week or two.

    Drink enough water every day too.

    A doctor might have some good ideas also, if it does not go away soon.

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