
Getting rid of maggots?

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i have a trash pail that sits up against the side of my house. i just went to empty the trash and saw maggots crawling everywhere. i poured amonia over the pails and around them thinking this would kill them. i went outside moments later and it looked like they multiplied by the thousands. so i poured bleach on top of them, the same as i did the amonia. not helping. does anyone know how to destroy what i just created. can the maggots get into my house? i was told that boiling water works also....thanks




  1. Just leave the lid open for a few days..they will mature & fly away.  Next time after you are rid of the trash..hose out or wash the container & keep it clean.  It won't attact flies then.

  2. They are annoying and kind of disgusting, there's not much to do really.  They are there because some fly got into your trash, in a few days, you will get a bunch of flies.  clean up the trash pail, and make sure your bags are well tied, so you don't have that surprise again! If you are trowing stuff that is not killing them, they seem to be multiplying because they are trying to get out, or because the source of food is gone

  3. First and very importantly....don't ever mix anything with ammonia...poisonous gases are formed. Maggots are the larvae of the house fly.  Get rid of the fly and no more maggots. Inside the house there should be no scraps of food left around especially in warm weather.  As long as you dispose of your items which draw flies , you will have maggots.  Everything should be tightly sealed to keep the flies away.  If you are in an apt and other people use your trash can it will be next to impossible to control them. Any left overs or food stuff should be sealed in a bag.  Paper plates etc that have residue on them will attract flies so they should be sealed up tightly.  My  theory would be to put things in a very tightly covered trash barrel  and use a flying insect spray whenever you see flies around it. Most anything will kill maggots but its the flies that need to go !!!

  4. Be glad YOU are alive.....Mixing amonia and bleach can cause caustic fumes and kill you........They won't get into your house until they develop into flies.........

  5. Fly spray.

  6. Try cleaning them out before maggots start.

    Its bad meat,or dead animals.

    I cant beleive your trash can is that bad.

  7. Well, maggots are baby flies. And as we all know, flies love garbage. It probably looked as though more appeared out of no where because when you poured the ammonia on the garbage can, they came out of their hiding places to get away from the ammonia. I'm sure the combo of that and the bleach will kill them. Be careful though-- mixing ammonia and bleach is DANGEROUS and produces deadly fumes. I'm not really sure if that plus the heat can do anything (like catch fire), but be careful not to breathe it.

    And they won't get in your house. Move it away from the wall for peace of mind if you want. You can spray something like hot shot near it so when a fly lands on it, it'll be poisoned and die. But, you know, there will always be more flies where those came from... =/

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