
Getting rid of mosquitoes in my yard?

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I live in a apartment and I have tons of mosquitoes outside on the patio. What can I do to get rid of them? I read that mosquitoes aren't attracted to the ultra violet light in bug zappers, so that won't work, anything else I can do?




  1. Here is the best way to get rid of mosquitoes on your patio.  purchase mosquito coils or lanterns that contain allethrin.  This is what I recommend to all my friends.  Listerine will not work, nor will encouraging swallows to nest near your house.  these are urban legends

  2. get the township to spray

  3. If you have standing water like rain barrels, treat them with bug killer after a rain storm.

    Put up some tree swallow boxes. They are shaped like a long shoe boxes, and they have multiple holes for feeding the young. 1-1/2" for parents, and 3/4" [3] for young. Add a long foot hold on the inside. Install on the north side of house.

  4. you can buy a yard spary

  5. They come from nearby sources of stagnant water. If you're unable to do anything about those, ie. they're outside your property line, you could potentially spray those nearby sources with something to kill them and their eggs (call an exterminator, I reckon), or a whooole bunch of bugzappers and repellant, but that's not usually very practical for an open space.

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