
Getting rid of old medications?

by Guest59662  |  earlier

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I was wondering on ways to get rid of expired pills (and cream) in the most environmentally friendly way possible?




  1. If you are in the US, you should contact your local department of solid waste, which might be associated with city government, or it could be associated with county government.  They will either have a "hazardous household waste" collection day, or they will have a location that they can go where you can drop off your waste.

    I'm betting, though, that if you go to your local pharmacy, they might just take your pills back and dispose of them responsibly for you.  Likewise with your doctor's office.  They probably aren't supposed to take back medicines, but they likely dispose of so many that your few pills won't be a problem.   Smile at the person behind the counter and I'll bet they'll take care of it for you.

    Good luck.

  2. the best thing to do with medicine is to dispose of it on hazardest waste day. "hazardest waste day" usually happens once every 2-3 months at ur town's transfer station. all u do is bring the medication there and it will be safely disposed of. if ur town does not have a transfer staion or "dump", contact whoever collects your trash or whoever u bring ur trash to. they will give u instuctions on where and when to dispose of hazardest waste.

    hope i helped :)

  3. How much do you have ? Are you throwing away truck loads?

  4. go sell them to some drugie on the street corner

  5. Flush them down the toilet.

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