
Getting rid of side cramps while running?

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we just started field hockey, and at the same time, my mom has some kind of a chest infection, and i think i may have caught it. (i only say this because i know lack of oxygen causes cramps) and when we were running, i got a cramp so bad it felt like someone stabbed me with an 8 inch knife. at the same time, it felt like i wasn't getting the right amount of oxygen, not like out of breath but not enough was being taken in. someone told me that pickle juice prevents cramps, and someone else told me they make salt tablets for this. is there any way to prevent cramps, and what should i do about the breathing thing?




  1. FIrst and for most you should drink lots of water, people tend to get cramps from being dehydrated.  

    However it sounds to me like your are getting a side stitch.


    The good news is there is a sure fire way to  get rid of the stitch on the run.  The first step to rid yourself of the painful stitch is to slow your pace and get control of the rhythm of your breathing.  Then focus on exhaling while the foot of the opposite side of the stitch is landing on the ground.  Every time your foot lands there are muscular contractions up that side of your body.  Exhaling as the foot on the opposite side hits the ground helps release the spasm.  So if your stitch is on the left side, exhale as your right foot is hitting the ground.  Is this is what is causing the spasm, you'll be amazed at how quickly it will disappear!


    Avoid eating a heavy or fatty meal before running.  Allow 2-3 hours to digest your food pre-race and eat lightly, avoiding high fat and fiber foods.

    Breathe from your belly rather than your chest.  This will not only more fully utilize your lung capacity but it will also reduce the stress on your diaphragm.  Teach yourself to breathe from your belly by lying on the floor.  Put your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply.  You should feel your hand move up and down if you are belly breathing.  

  2. Trying to catch what you mean exactly. I think you're talking about stamina (oxygen). And for the cramp, try B complex(supplement).

    Helps a lot.

  3. Sometimes eating bananas can help because of the potassium.  Some people also say that a calcium deficiency can cause cramps.  For breathing, there is no really good solution.  If you do have a respiratory infection, things should get better once its gone.  Sometimes just changing the rhythm of your breathing can help lessen a cramp.

  4. im not going to tell u my whole life story like one person did.  the best way to keep from geting cramps is to eat right, drink lot of water but not right before u run, and if u still keep geting them eat a banana about an hour before u run.

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