
Getting rid of smoky smell

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okay.. i know there are alot of questions on this but mine is abit different. My grandmothers is staying at my house for a period of time and she smokes alot, even inside the house. I cant stand the smell ... so is there anything i can use(houshold items prefably) to ge rid of the smell quickly.




  1. tell her to go outside and smoke, that's not fair to you.

  2. Crushed barbecue charcoal briquettes (the kind WITHOUT any lighter fluid in them!) laid out in trays will absorb the bad smell...


  3. 2 part answer...1. While your grandmother stays with you purchase a gallon of Odor Ban from Sams Club.  Mix the concentrate as directions indicate.  It is good for not only the air but any surface ie. sofas,shower curtains, carpet etc.. 2.When she leavesyou can use amonia and water mixture to remove any staining from fabric and surfaces followed with Odor Ban (which does have a light fragrance to it).  If there are hard surfaces to remove staining you can use TSP short for Trisodium Phosphate.  You can find this chemical at any hardware store.  You can use TSP for example on walls .  Its great for removing nicotine stains on walls and is realitively cheap.  But caution should be given here!  TSP will leave a powdery film.  Hard surfaces should be rinsed with vinegar and water to be rid of the film.  

  4. Well, for starters, keep the windows open and the fans on. Central air won't cut it, it'll just spread the smell around. Lightly spread baking soda over soft surfaces, such as carpets and sofas. The charcoal barbaque chunks (no lighter fluid please!) will help too. Ask her to smoke in just one or two rooms.  

  5. use oust it gets odors and germs out of the air right away when sprayed.

  6. Place several shallows bowls of white vinegar around any room she's gonna be in (smoking).  The vinegar will absorb odors.  It only needs to be an inch or so deep, it's more important that it's spread out over a larger you don't need a lot of vinegar.  Just the shallow bowls, and place them in inconspicuous areas around the rooms.  If you can, ask her to contain her smoking to one room, like the room she's gonna be sleeping in.  Or outside.  This way you can control the smell a little better.  Because once she starts smoking in the house, it's going to get on everything!  Any fabric surface in your home will reek, including mattresses, curtains, couches, carpet.  You walls and duct work will even help harbor the smell.  You're looking at hours and hours of cleaning  once she's gone if you let her smoke in there.  You need to be tough and ask her politely to smoke outside!

  7. The two best things are air purifiers, which you can get at Wal-mart or Target, maybe Home Depot, and ozone machines, which you may have to find online.

    Air purifiers suck the room air in through a filter, then blow the cleaned air back into the room. They get rid of dust, pollen and other things, too. I find that my small $35 air purifier works as well as my big $100 one, so get a couple of small ones for the rooms she'll be in.

    Hotels use ozone machines to deodorize rooms of smoke. They blow ozone into the room, and it breaks up smoke, bacteria and other things and leaves a nice, fresh smell. Just know that they can cause health problems if you use them regularly, so get rid of the smell, then air out the room.

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