
Getting rid of social anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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what foods, drinks, herb supplements can i take to help get rid of my anxiety, or what kind of over the counter pills can i take? please help.





    pills don't help!

    pills are a belief

    how come during tests and such even the control tests see improvement because its all mental being socially inept can be changed

    i have been diagnosed with one thing after another and i refuse to take anything and the only problem i have is a little insomnia  the way you eat or what you drink will not make you more sociable if you want to relax then just go smoke some pot

    but really if you want to change the way you act and react then email me (levitimmer@yahoo) and i could give you a little advice (actually just pass on advice as i was just given a few weeks ago) on the subject but pills are not the answer

  2. i think that kind of stuff comes from your mind.

    just think.

    "if everyone else can be socially normal, why can't i?"

  3. My Dear! I have WONDERFUL NEWS! I used to have terrible anxiety problems. I suggest EFT Therapy by a qualified psychotherapist. It changed my life around. Also, EMDR seems to have changed the world too! There's so much out there! Talk to a therapist, even just a consultation via phone call and they should be able to suggest something that would suit you. Fixing the root of the problem is the best solution.

    As for foods / drinks etc, eat healthy. Whole wheat. Veggies. FISH. anything with (or pill - type) Omega 3 - 6 - 9.Avoid junk foods and drinks, ALL of them. MSG can contribute a LOT to anxiety. I can't stress health foods enough.... they've saved me on a number of occasions. Pills -> Vitamin B (complex), a Multivitamin if you're not already taking one is IMPERATIVE. Other then that, talk to your pharmacist, who should be more then happy to assist you :) . Avoid Valerian if at all possible, it's addictive. St. John's Wort is sometimes helpful, but consult a knowledgeable health practitioner before taking any herbal supplements, as it can be dangerous and make things WORSE.

    Be careful, Take Care, and good luck! It can be overcome!

  4. just funny how people mention phone therapy... it's usually so difficult to call for social phobics... though depends on the individual, what they fear more, phone or face-to-face...

    anyway. something that science claims to be more powerful than fish oil (which contains omega 3, which you need in much bigger doses than omega 6) is krill oil. that's a new thing, but you can get it. I haven't got previous experience with these, so i am just providing you with information.

  5. You won't get rid of social anxiety through pills. You need to get out more and communicate with other people.

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