
Getting rid of spiders in your room?

by Guest57652  |  earlier

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Okay, so I have an extreme case of arachniphobia. I'm getting anxious just thinking about them. But, anyway, I was sitting on my bed the other day and a little baby one crawled across my comforter. I've been so paranoid and have been sleeping on the couch because of it. Since theres a baby, theres probably more of them and a mother. I know that to get rid of them completely, I've got to go looking for where they are nesting in my room. But I refuse to do that. My room is usually clean, but my bed is up against a wall and ive got two caddi-cornered dressers. Do you have any suggestions as how to get rid of them without having to actually... see them?




  1. omg, i have arachnophobia also. right now i have those ultrasonic plug-ins in my living room and dining room, and since i got them about two weeks ago, i haven't seen any creepy crawlys. i did see one in the kitchen though, so apparently the ultrasonic waves don't travel too far.

    if anyone else has any effective ideas, it would make my day.

  2. Wow.. it really sucks to be you. I'd be scared sh*tless if that ever happened to me.. I really don't know what to tell you, maybe call an exterminator or something?

  3. simple. keep a light on. they hate light.

  4. hi, I'm Megan and i really like spiders.

    saying that probubly didn't help you but this might, get a spray for indoors that is made to kill spider, follow directions if you dont follow them exactly you can possubly poison your self.

    get an OUTDOOR spray and srpar out side your house.

    i live in a basement and see spiders all the time even by my bed (note not all of these spiders have been seen in my room some are just ones i like to name or i have seen them out side cuz they are cool) crab spiders, grass spiders, funnel web spiders, jumping spiders,garden spiders, orb weavers flower spiders, and crickets.

    i saw one that we thought was a brown recluse (killed it and neighbor told us it wasn't cuz he has seen them before) (we also sprayed after that)

    my other nieghbor found a spider and though it was a tarantula (whick are where i live)

    but it was a wolf spider....which i think are poisonis


  6. Wow. I had like the exact same happen yesterday. I tore off ll my sheets and then had to slowly shake them and put them back on. I never found the sucker and had to sleep in my bed that night. Luckily no encounters were held :P Weell. A baby spider doesn't ALWAYS mean there is a nest. I would suggest calling a friend to look through for them so you don't have to see them? Other than that, there is no way to get rid of spiders permanently from your house or look for them yourself without seeing them. Sorry :[ I know they are nasty little guys. Luckily spiders move a lot, so that baby spider is probably long gone now =]

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