
Getting riding jobs at race tracks?

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I'm interested in getting a riding job at a racetrack, as an exercise rider or maybe the person who ponies the race horses around the track on race day. That would be fun, how do I go about doing this?




  1. Exercise riders are employed by trainers, not tracks. Your best bet would be to approach a lower-level trainer, as I'm sure the top guys (and gals) aren't interested in on-the-job training. They have their hands full already.

    Do you have experience with race horses and/or thoroughbreds? Thoroughbreds are notoriously  moody and high strung. The riders of the guide ponies who lead the horses to the gate have to be prepared for anything. It's not uncommon for the thoroughbreds to challenge their outrider ponies and/or rear up. This isn't really something for a bit of fun, it's hard work.

  2. Your best bet is to try getting a job at a training farm rather than the race track to begin with especially if you don't have any experience with race horses.  Training farms have more time and are generally more willing to take on people to train than most trainers at the track who are pressed for time and prefer to have experienced people handle their horses.  You must  be able to pass a riding test before the stewards/or outriders will even approve you to get a exercise rider or pony rider license.

  3. If you want to be an exercise rider then you need to approach a racehorse trainer.  The people that ride the horses in the morning work for the trainers, not the racetrack.

    I don't know much about the pony ridersas we do not have them other here in GB.

    Riding racehorses is not like riding a "normal" horse.  It is a completely different style and as racehorses are notoriously high strung and unpredictable you need to be a VERY good rider.

    Working with racehorses is highly rewarding, but very poorly paid.  You need to be doing it because you love to be around them, because you'll never make your fortune that way!

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