
Getting seeds from a sunflower - how do I know when they're ready?

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I've grown some sunflowers this year for the first time, and they seem like really healthy plants, so I would like to collect seeds from them to sow next year. I've read all about hanging the upside down to dry out, but my question is - how do I know when the blooms are ready to be taken off? I read somewhere that if you cut them off the plant too early the seeds may not germinate...

The blooms are starting to wilt now, does that mean I can cut the head off the plant and dry it out or should I leave it longer? The plants are outside with no protection so I don't want to leave it so long that the birds get the seeds before I do...

Thanks for your help!




  1. when they are almost a bet hard pick them up and put them in the sun so they become harder then u can eat them.... mmmmmm

  2. when u need a ladder to get to them =P

  3. whats been said above

  4. pick them when in full bloom, use them as decoration inside. once the petals have dried and dropped, they should be ready to harvest. wait til the seeds have dried, six to eight weeks on absorbent towel then once ready store in a glass jar in a cool dark spot.

  5. When the petals have completely wilted and the back of the head has turned tan/brown you can cut the head off the stalk.  It is true that if you cut them too soon the seeds will be too immature to germinate.  You can cover the heads with netting or even paper bags to keep the birds away until they are ready.  After cutting, bring the heads inside to dry more and when the back side has turned dark brown or black you can take the seeds.  

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