
Getting started with adoption process & questions to ask agencies?

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Come this summer, we will be married (FINALLY) & will then start getting the process of adoption going, but I'm not sure where to start. Do we go directly to an agency or do we start elsewhere first? What sorts of questions should we ask the agencies? Any info is appreciated! We have discussed this & we're trying to get ahead of ourselves so we're not totally clueless come summer when we want to start. Please feel free to type a long response as we would like TONS of info! Thank you ahead of time!




  1. Well, to start, you need to have, if married, a stable marriage before adopting.  Most domestic agencies require a minimum 3 years of marriage.  The reasoning, of course, is that you do not want to introduce a child into anything less than a stable environment.  That's a risk to the child, and children do not need a father or mother they know and love suddenly dropping out of their lives if at all possible.

    Research the type of adoption you are considering, domestic or international, and then call several and get info packets sent to you.  After selecting one or two you like, make appointments to meet with them.  You may also go to informational meetings at large agencies.  They will have adoptive parents who have adopted, birth parents who placed a baby or child for adoption, and legal and other staff from the agency, talk about their experiences.

    Once you have it narrowed down and select an agency, you will need to apply.  If accepted, you will get a homestudy. If approved, you will then move forward to possibly adopt.

    Hope that helps!  Good luck.

  2. What sort of adoption are you considering? (Domestic infant? International? Foster care?)

    Here is a good article on tips for finding an ethical agency. It's specifically written for international adoption, but I think many of the points could be adapted for other agencies, too.

  3. I would check out the below site - it has all sorts of people involved in adoption - adoptees, aparents, bparents, fparents. The aparents and fparents would be happy to help you start on the path. They can give you a lot of advice, help you determine what kind of adoption is right for you, help find the right agencies, etc. etc.

    Good luck, and congrats on starting the process.

  4. i am not sure of exactly what you need to do.

    but want to thank you for thinking of other children less fortunate, until they find you.

    congratulations and good luck!

  5. You can start by checking the web site

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