
Getting stretchy 'fertile' CM AFTER I already ovulated last week?

by Guest10644  |  earlier

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This is weird - first time it's ever happened to me. I know I ovulated the middle of last week. I had a positive OPK and I got my fertile stretchy CM. So I usally have that, and up until my period, I'm dry. Well the last couple of days this week, I've been getting that stretchy CM again. Is it possible to be ovulating twice???

(Been TTC for 2.5 years, so I've been very observant of my body, haha)




  1. I actually have wondered the same thing bc we are trying to concieve and it also happened to me this month where I believe that I ovulated once and then ovulated again.  Maybe this is a sign of great things to come.  I have heard that even though it is not really common it can happen so if it did it just doubled both of our chances.  Good luck to you and baby dust to all.

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