
Getting tattoo for my brother that passed.?

by  |  earlier

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are there any symbols or sayings or anything that mean brother and sister love or anything like that? im getting a tattoo next weekend and i wanted to get some sort of symbol like that to go along with it. please help?




  1. Would your brother have approved of you getting a tattoo?  If not, how about just putting flowers on the grave?

  2. First I am sorry for your loss. Second talk with your artist to see if they are experienced with memorial tattoos.  Be thinking of something that represents your brother to you and go from there.  

  3. im planning on getting one for my sister who passed away..she loved hummingbirds and thats what im going with..i looked on and found a nice one...maybe something ur brother liked...

  4. Get a design that you will remind you the most about brother dad, like maybe his favorite painting, hobby or what he was passionate about when he was still alive.  Or better yet, get something that both of you share with or something that's really important for him.  Pick a tattoo design that focuses on the good memories instead of the sad ones, so don't get cross tattoos, or the rip ones...aside from being common, I think they are depressing.  

  5. My suggestion is to either look at flash online if you want to get a tat that everyone else has, or go set an appt with an actual artist.  Incorporate something that your brother was interested in or enjoyed.  Those are the tattoos with the most meaning and are something that you will love to look at on a daily basis.


    Chinese symbols for younger and older brother, and love.

    (Not sure which yours was to you.)

    But aside from those, I would think about anything to represent something special to you and your brother.

  7. Sorry for your loss!

    Awww thats a lovely idea!!

    You could get a christian cross

    Or a heart with R.i.P and his name on it


    Ermm i cant really think at the mo

    Sorry i cant be more of use!!

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