
Getting used to bifocals?

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So I'm 15 and just got bifocals because I have an eye condition where my eye can't focus on it's own. I'm in marching band, and I think I will find it really hard to march with these glasses seeing as I can't move my head during performances. How can I adjust?




  1. You've got accomodative dysfunction AND myopia? That's cool :)

    Anyway, for a situation like yours I wouldn't have gotten bi - focals, because providing someone who can't focus at all with only two visual areas is simply wrong. As for abjusting, I don't have experience with bi - focals (I'm only 14 and highly myopic) but I'm fairly certain you can just move your eyes... It depends on you're perscription in the reading half. Anyway, it shouldn't be much of a problem, because you don't really need acute vision when marching... In my country, you can also get special tri - focal contacts for about a week, but I'm not really sure how that works. Check with your optometrist and he'll provide you with the solution. Email me if you have more questions.

    Edit: alright, so it would appear you have Convergence Excess Esotropia if you need bi - focals.

    Basically, you're supposed to move your eyes in bi focals from one line to the other, but my grandfather tells me it's tough getting used to.

    As I said before, you could ask the optometerist for one pair of daily disposable bi focal contacts, which are more comfortable than the glasses (or so I've been told).

  2. Do you have line or no line bifocals?

    Using bifocals, move your EYES not your head.  Practice that at home while trying to read something.

    You may want to get bifocal contacts.

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