
Getting wisdom teeth removed?

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I'm going to have to get both of them on the bottom removed. They're impacted so they're going to have to cut my gums and dig in there to get it and I was just wondering what will they most likely do? Just numb it or put me to sleep? Because I really don't like the idea of sitting there wide awake while they're doing all that :(




  1. I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed and I had to option of being put to sleep or laughin gas. I chose the gas because needles scare me, and I was just fine. My friend had to get all four of hers removed to and she was put to sleep and didnt wake up until she was home. Either way you wont feel anything, just remeber to be calm and everything will be fine.

    Hope I answered your question.

    Good Luck!

  2. I really think they will just numb it because it's not really a big surgery.  Also its safer for you and helps you heal faster because being put to sleep will be more traumatic for your body and take longer to heal.  

    I've had all four taken out and it was that bad.  The shots hurt more.  The only sensation you may feel is pressure when they are removing the wisdom teeth.  Healing time should be a couple days.

    Good Luck :)

  3. I was put to sleep when mine were taken out but I had four of them to be taken out. Being put to sleep costs a little extra but not much.

  4. I had four taken out two and a half weeks ago and this is what they do.

    They will give you a gas mask for oxygen and they also say they will give you some laughing gas. Most of the time, the laughing gas will make you feel a bit light-headed and relaxed so you won't even notice if they put the IV in you. For me, the laughing gas had no effect on me so I was completely conscious for the IV. The surgeon put a rubber band around my arm so they could see the veins more clearly and it was a tiny pinch and the IV was injected. It feels just like a small shot. You will fall asleep in literally less than half a minute so you won't even get much of a chance to see anything. The actual operation takes about 5-6 minutes per tooth. And after they are finished, it will usually take you about 10 minutes to wake up. But the whole thing really only feels like a minute.  

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