
Gettysburg, PA?

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I taked this photo in front of the Jennie Wade House Museum back in the summer of 2006. and I was just woundling if any one knew what this odd image on the house could be, it is in my myspace photo Album mark as Gttysburg, PA. it is




  1. Honestly I doubt it's anything. Cameras can get all kinds of  interference, glare, you name it, that can turn up. If it's not a digital camera it could even be a defect in the film.

    However... I think it was sometime last year that a friend of my mother's went and did a tour or something. I haven't seen the photos, but supposedly in one photo is the moon and there was no moon out that night. Another photo supposedly has the silhouette of a horse rearing up. The horse I guess could just be a shape that just looks like it. Although I'm curious if the moon is clearly the moon or not.

  2. I have not seen your picture, but will tell you Gettysburg is one of the most haunted places in the U.S. The government conducted a lot of research there because of so many people commenting to the U.S. Park  Service about strange happenings/feelings while they had visited the battlefields.

    Remeber more than 60,000 (that's sixty thousand) that died there in a very short period !

  3. sorry, but I do not have a myspace account so could not see it that way...would you mind sending it as I would like to see it...

  4. What makes you think it's *on* the house.  It looks to me like it's in front of the house.  What is it?  I can't tell.  Neither can anyone else because there is no information to interpret.  It's only the back story that lends any paranormal credence, but then back stories shouldn't matter.  Any sort of evidence should be able to stand on their own without any need to pad it with a persuasive story.

  5. It's a very strange-looking anamoly indeed...looking at it from a completely unbiased standpoint, I'd seriously say that you could potentially have a piece of spiritual evidence on film! When considering the background history of Jennie Wade, the house, and the town itself (notorious as being the most haunted place in all of America), it's not that unbelievable to think that perhaps you caught a flash of spiritual energy. Film, especially digital, is extremely sensitive to picking up on these things; and as we gain new technology, more and more cases of this show up. Ghosts have been known to appear on film in various ways; orbs, apparitions, and flashes being only some of them. The coloring is transparent, the movement is somewhat blurred, and to me, it looks as though it may be something of unexplained nature.

  6. Someone said that if you put http in front of your link it would turn blue. I don't know if you need // with that or not..Maybe you could try it. I can't get to the link. Thanks.

    Somebody just said you need a myspace account for that. Can you or somebody tell me how to get to this link? Thanks.

  7. I really can't tell you what is atm, but I have been to Gettysburg and have noticed a lot of interesting things there...  I hope you can figure out what the picture is of....
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