
Gfs grandfather just died?

by Guest65746  |  earlier

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what can i do for her family?

would baking a cake for them be a good idea?




  1. try to comfort her and her family

    and h**l yess u make some cake

  2. usually when someone dies people bring over any type of food, be it home made lasagna, or bags of nuts.

    This is because they shouldnt be cooking(apparently) when  they should be grieving

    a cake would be nice, but cakes are usually connected to celebratory events.  Unless they hated the guy, than go ahead and give them a cake.  But I doubt that so you should go with an actual nutritious meal.

    Or even ordering them food from a restaurant and bringing it for them.

  3. deep condolences and being around in the hard moments is the best ,when someone dies the relatives appreciate to know he meant something to many and is remembered and honored ,attend the funeral  and support

  4. 100 points to you for being a caring person.

    I second the casserole thing, in terms of food. The other thing is simply to ask.. HOW can I make this easier? Take care of a pet? Run an errand?  They may have something that they will be grateful for you to do, so they can focus on all the stuff.

    I send YOU a hug, for your being a nice person.

  5. Be there for her when she needs to talk or cry or both. Listen and give your support by just being there. People react differently to death. A lot has to do with what the death was contributed to and how close they were. Sometimes it is a numbing feeling and hard to grasp. There is so much going on initailly...after the funeral a lull will come and the mind starts to wander. Be there supportive and know that it often takes a long time to accept and get over the loss. It is not the dead we grieve. It is our loss. The cake won't matter much, though the jester is indeed kind and thoughtful. God Bless.

  6. Cakes are nice, but not really the best choice here.  Cook something that would actually constitute a meal, which could be refrigerated and reheated quickly in a microwave.  They are not likely to be sitting down to any family dinners during this time, but each individual person will pick at food on their own as they feel the need.  So, something, like a casserole for example, that a person can cut out a small portion of and heat up for themselves, and leave the rest in the fridge for others to pick at would be ideal.

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