
Ghd money off offer, where too?

by  |  earlier

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i have just sene in my magazine, a full printed page on ghd and an off on money off the new ghds if i take my old ones in when i buy a new pair.. but doesnt give a list of salons who are doing this.. cant find out how to know which salons are doing this any help? Even the ghd acatuly wesbite is no help!




  1. what magazine is it i would go to your local shop what sells  GHD'S

  2. The GHD web site does actually have a link that lets you enter your postcode and shows you the local salons doing the exchange thing - you have to click on the little blobs on the map that appears for the salons details. Click on "find a salon" on the styler exchange page :o)

    Hope this helps


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