
Ghost Hunters Cover-up?

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I have watched ghost hunters for a research project me and a few fellow colleagues are involved in.

We have noticed that the ghost hunter team does not seem very convinved or enthralled with ghost in general. They seem like they are there to disprove ghost altogether.

One incident is a blanket being pulled while they were on the queen mary, they said it was a fake and that someone was pausing and then moving the blanket then filming and pausing and so on. I have watched the footage over and over on my DVR and found that it was not filmed like that. It was moved in a fluid movement then it looks like something is skipping, which could be the paranormal incident itself. they were so quick to dismiss it. Why is that, any film maker knows that it would take a loooong time to get a blanket to move so fluidly, and they were there on the boat. It makes not sense. I think they a fraud team. TAPS seems to debunk paranormal not support it. Anyone else have any feelings on this?




  1. ahhhhhhh,, TAPS.. I am also a ghost hunter. Have been since way before they came about, I wish I had some of the equipment they use..I watch because they try to 1st find a reason for whats happening and not just go blank faced and crying into the camera like other tv hunters do.The rule of thumb is to look first for an answer and if none can be found then , maybe. I dont think they try to disprove spirit visits but there are so many different kind of visits that its just a safey zone for them. Because given no rational explanation and based on evidence captured they do claim some places are indeed haunted. You have to be careful and not just say anything that happens is a ghost and be made a fool of.. Some people think every orb every noise and every little thing that isnt just right is spirits and its not..If we are going to hunt and be truthful then we should try to debunk before we claim a haunting. I wouldnt want them to claim a haunting,nor would I believe that every time they go on a hunt that its haunted..I think sometimes they dismiss things that need further investigation but as it goes they only have so much time at a place and ghosts dont cue up for anyone. Not even TAPS.

  2. Each incident is going to have less creedence the more possibilities for tampering. That one had tape tampering, an exit door right at the side of the bed and it is a big ship with people on it.

    I wonder why , when they do get excited that they actually have found something, that they don't just keep investigating that one place they are getting evidence from instead of moving on the next week to a new place that may not.

    Like the figure they got on film in the top of the oight house peeking over at them. Why not keep investigating a sure thing?

  3. My guess is that they are getting bored. I would label the plumbers would be ghost busters as thrill seekers. I have been involved with parapsychology for over 10 years now and some of the groups I have started or directed have these people join wanting to go on ghost hunts (no experiments, science, or protocols) just go to haunted locations and carry a camera around which is not how evidence is collected or people are helped. So they go on a ghost hunt and don't see a ghost and never come back. TAPS lasted a little longer because someone funded them but they had no interest beyond thrill seeking in the first place. Shows like Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries had some real interest in what they were doing beyond entertainment.

    Michael John Weaver, Director

    New Mexico Anomaly Society

  4. If you ever watched the very first show they said and on alot of other shows That they are there to debunk possible paranormal activity that is what they do. They believe in spirits but also know that everything that is seen and heard is not paranormal realated. Unless you got the original tape that they used I would never base results of anything off a copy/video from the internet.  And in that show only one person seen the pause and he said that it was hard to spot what they based there opinion on was the beep/click you get when you pause a video camera that they heard.

  5. i do and dont answer your ?

  6. Maybe their saying what you don't want to hear -- the truth.

  7. Hi,

        I have thought the same thing that all that TAPS wants to do is debunk even the things that I am sure they have encountered.  I have been involved with the Paranormal all of my life and not by my choice.  All of the females on my mothers side have had certain gifts directly do to the Paranormal and I and my sister have also inherited this.  It is real. I have encountered to many things and have gotten to many pictures that can easily debunk TAPS.

         I remember my first recollection at age 5 and it is has not stopped.  I am no longer afraid of the gifts that were given to me and other members of my family.  I was taught to not fear as Spirits do feed off of that fear.

        I have started a Paranormal Group and it seems anyone I meet have also had experiences of their own.  There are to many of us out there and I believe that people who will tell you it is not real are just close-minded or have had something happen out of the norm and are to afraid to say so for fear of being made fun of or another fear.

           I think TAPS are in it for the big money and that is all their is to it.  I agree fully agree with you that they do not support something that is so very real.

           Thank you for the question. It is nice to know that someone else out there believes the same thing about Taps.

  8. I too have watched Taps and sort of felt like you that they were not really into the hunt, but  then the other night I watched it and they actually got a figure of a man on their heat camera and were pretty excited over it, but were I would have tried to investigate it further and maybe got more, they quite and went to a neighboring house to investigate it. I can't figure out why they gave up so easy on a sure thing. Maybe the producers of the show have something to do with it.

  9. They are trying to show that they are not just some morons that love the drama of finding ghosts everywhere. And it is a lot more satisfying when there is something they really can't explain, and the audience is left to wonder if it is a ghost. Also, the way they are doing things appeals to a wider audience, skeptics and nonskeptics alike.

    Are they a fraud, trying to get people to not believe in the paranomal? I don't know. But these days, things are changed as they are sent through the media, and it is sometimes hard to trust anything you didn't see with your own eyes. So the reality of the show may be very different. Maybe none of them even believe in ghosts, and laugh at all the fools watching their show.

    I believe in ghosts. I met a couple once. But I can't tell you what ghost hunters is trying to achieve, sorry. I only know what I know.

  10. You're fellow colleagues and you should read the article below.Don't worry the show will continue showing positive Ghost stories.It's a fact, people that watch these types of shows.Want no skeptical analysis.

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