
Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State?

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Which one do you like better and why?




  1. Ghost Hunters because they leave their own religious beliefs and personal problems at home.


  2. GH and GH international. They got really cool toys!  The PS gang are dweebs!

  3. OMG! PARANORMAL STATE most deffinantly i like looove that show...... personaly i think it's more real than GH..... Im sorry but it's the truth! plus....... They go to college in Pennsylvania (my home state) and It's soo awsome how devoted they are! =DDD

  4. so ghost hunters so much better cause they're more credible and not based on religion

  5. I'd have to go with Ghost Hunters.  Even though I disagree with just about every conclusion they draw, at least they don't have as much invested in demons (with actual names no less) and other mythological creatures.

  6. Ghost Hunters, because they seem more rational about things. Sometimes they do not find anything and they are not afraid to show that part of ghost hunting.

    Compared to ghost Hunters, Paranormal State seems like a bunch of gullible children. I frankly didn't buy any of that about the demon following that guy.

  7. The demons name is Belile.  Some believe that saying the

    name is the same as calling them.

    I feel Ghost Hunters is a better show.  They are more serious

    about what they are doing.  They also show you the evidence

    they have.  I also disagree with them saying there is no

    haunting when they have EVP's, and some orbs may be dust

    or bugs but some are real.

    And just for you Peter, demons do have names.  So do


  8. Ghost Hunters!!!! For Sure!! They seem so real compared to Paranormal State. Paranormal State is just a bunch of college kids. And have you noticed that everytime that paranormal state goes to a place that they ALWAYS find something?? Always. Ghost Hunters don't always find something, even if they wish. Ghost Hunters always tell their client wether they believe a place is haunted or not. Ghost Hunters have cool guys and are real. I mean they are just regular people having a fun time ghost hunting. I love the question!!

  9. Ghost Hunters is a little more Scientific in their approach, and they don't try to prove every location to be "haunted".  As I have been a Paranormal Examiner for almost 28 years now, I've seen just about every "gimmick" there is.

    What I enjoy about them is their Tendency to be Objective...which should be the Goal of every Paranormal Examiner or Investigator.  In our Examinations, we de-bunk 80% of the purported "activity" consistently.  If it's not Evidence....then it's just a "story". Ghost Stories are fun to hear and tell....but that's just what they are, Stories.  We examine primarily reported Activity at War Between the States Battlefields and building/houses from the 1820-1870 era.....and we do manage to catch a few "pieces" from time-to-time.  But...there's not a "ghost" in every house you look at!

    The only Difference between our Group and the T.A.P.S. folks (whom I've met and do Respect) is that we don't use "mediums" or "demonoligists" or Wiccans or other such persons.  We are Totally Scientific, and Rely on Evidence we can See, Hear, and catch on Electronic Medium as the Real Truth.

  10. oh bugger, where do u guys live? i want these shows!

  11. Gonna go with Ghosthunters on this one, and I gotta agree with psi that the religious stuff with PS is overbearing. I get the impression that they just want to invent reasons to bring in demonologists and to talk about god & satan, etc. Almost every show there is always some prerecorded blurb about 3am being the hour where pararnormal activity occurs because it is the mockery of Christ's death at 3pm. Okay, enough already, we get it. As if demons have wristwatches on.

    Ghost hunters also has its weaknesses, e.g., over-emphasis on personal squabbles and some pretty flimsy reasoning and assumptions (and this season I've noticed more "scary music" added for cheesy spook effect, but maybe that's just me), but at least they make some attempt to be objective and systematic. In contrast, PS takes the "throw it at the wall and let's see if it sticks" approach to investigation. Finally, Ghosthunters manages to keep my interest while the predictability of PS completely bores me.

  12. Well I can speak for the fact that I have been seeing and communicating with spirits since I was a little girl. I have never used anything but myself. I love my gift and freely help others. I believe I was given the gift and that is what it is a gift, I don't charge and never will if anyone has any questions for me fill free to email me at

  13. I wrote a whole article on paranormal State Once,

    Here is just the beginning of it, You can make your own conclusion

    "After watching Paranormal State I find myself asking a lot of questions about the shows credibility. I am a paranormal enthusiast and I am always looking for reasons if and why unexplained things happen. As I was watching the show, I noticed right off the bat at the beginning of the show, they say that the PRS only goes to the cases that are most extreme and that the show is one of those cases.

    Well there was a show about the “Black Figure” that a woman’s son used to see right before he committed suicide, Once he was passed his older brother would also say he was seeing it too. At first the older brother didn’t want any part of the PRS crew there and refused to be at the house while they were doing their investigation, But as the night got on he showed up. What would make him change his mind? Was he looking for some answers? Did he not want to be scared anymore? If something is so dramatic why would you change your mind after only 3 hrs? Kinda seems strange to me."

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