
Ghost Hunting... your experiences please?

by Guest21503  |  earlier

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I love Most Haunted and have always been interested in the paranormal. In October last year I went on my first Ghost Hunt, we investigated St Guys Cliff House in Warwickshire. It was very spooky and a couple of things happened:-

Heard strange noises in a couple of rooms

Saw lights

In one room, I was uncontrollably swaying side to side

Saw table tipping

a door closed on its own

Although I didnt see anything 'concrete' as such, I left that night believing that I had definately experienced paranormal activity. I really want to go again this year. Please share your experiences and beliefs and has anyone else done a Ghost Hunt?




  1. While investigating with my team, I have experienced cold spots in hot remote areas where nothing could explain these cold spots. It was in the hot Texas summer and even if there were a breeze the breeze wold have been as hot as the ambient air temp which was over the 100 degree mark, but the cold spots was 53 degrees. More than a fifty degree drop is not normal.

    However way before I even believed in ghosts A ghost appeared to me and demanded I get out of his house. That was when I was forced from an unbelieving skeptic to knowing ghosts exist.

    I have not really had any scary experiences except my first encounter scared me because at first I though I had an intruder in my house until he vanished in thin air.


  2. i agree with peter d. sometimes ur brain can play tricks on u cuz u are expecting something to be scary, even if there isnt anything there.

  3. my cousins house is on an idian massacre site i see ghost all the time, lasat sunday my aunt passed away in that house and the scary part was the day befor my dad said he had a dfream about an indian

  4. I have had a couple of experiences. I spent the night on an old troop ship and was flipped over in my bed by who knows what. I began believing after that experience. CHeck out this website, its got some good vids on ghosts and other strange stuff. Whoever runs this seems to find the most interesting stuff.

  5. Do you suppose that when visiting a house you know to be "haunted" your expectations might get the better of you?  Do you suppose the bumps you hear in the night at a new office building might be interpreted as ghostly in an old castle?

  6. I went to the whaley house! Do you know what happenned! First I was walking and felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and there was nothing there. Than All of a sudden a pillow hit me out of no where! Than I felt a cold breath on the back of my neck nothing was there! Last but not least the scariest thing! I saw a pen writing something then it dropped! I went over to see what had been written and it said Get out of my house! SO I did!

  7. I have always wanted to ghost hunt, actually I would love to find the Calculus Mortuus stones and become rich!

    I know a few guys who are trying to get into it, but really, there is no money to be made, and it costs quite a lot.

  8. I am a Paranormal Examiner, not a "ghost hunter" per se since 1980.  I've seen a heard some strange things that I can't "explain-away" (i.e.: "de-bunk").  

    What got me started 28 years ago was an Experience I had myself.  I was called in to back-up a Patrol Officer in response to a Prowler call in an old Building that was unoccupied.  I was searching the hallways for the prowler, when I had a "shadow" appear right in front me, and then move off to the right and disappear into the wall!

    As an old Army Ranger, I'm not scared of anything...but it startled me.  I wanted some answers, but there weren't many Paranormal groups back in 1980.  So I sought mu own answers, found them, and decided that this would be my "extracurricular career".

    Another time, on an Examination about 15 years ago, I had a shadow appear out of a wall, and then I was shoved down!  I jumped up, and started chasing the shadow, flashing my old motor-drive Canon  the whole time!  My partner with me had to run to catch up to me, and told me (out of breath) "you scared the ghost away!"  My reply to him was "Yeah, but I Got the sucker on Film!"

    Now, I am the Director and Lead Examiner for Southern Paranormal Examinations And Research, Inc. of GA.

    We are a Non-Profit Organization of Volunteer Paranormal Examiners that seek the Truth about each Report of Paranormal Activity that we select to Examine.

    We conduct our Examinations in an Objective, Scientific manner, and will consider only Activity that can Verified as "evidence". We Do Not use Mediums, Demonologists, or Psychics in our Examinations...only State-of-the-Art Equipment, Many years of Experience, and a tried-and-True Methodology.

    To be considered "evidence", Activity must be supported by a minimum of 3 Datum Directly dealing with the Activity, be it Audio (Digital and/or Analog), Video (Digital and/or Film), IR Thermal Imagery (Recorded), Temperature Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), Electro Magnetic Field Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), or Still Photos (Digital and/or Film).

    We do not consider that 1 "piece" of "evidence" or 1 EVP or "orbs" constitutes a "Haunting" takes a lot more than that. We search for the Truth, and Only the Truth, about Paranormal Activity.

    Here's to you for your first "encounter", and Good Luck to you in the Future!

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