
Ghost Man in my house?

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I am a 32 year old man, who doesn't get scared easily. But this is very strange. One night i was lying with my wife in bed and had to go to the bathroom, it was around 3:10. After i came from the bathroom i headed back to my room, but i hear something so it was coming from downstairs, so i went down stairs to the main level of the house and when i was about to turn the corner i saw a really dim (but bright) light and it was shining throughout the hallway and in the middel there was a man mopping. He had like a janitor's suit on. He was whistling tunes. I froze up. I wasn't sure what i was seeing but the unbeliever in me told me that it was a robber so i said "I'm calling the police!" but right as the sound came out of my voice everything faded away like a turning off a movie. The light and the man vanished and i was in a dark hallway of my house. I went up the stairs and told myself i wouldn't tell anyone what i saw. Mainly i didn't know what i saw and i didn't want to scare my kids




  1. i really dnt wnt to scare but u hav to kno abt ur house's history. may be someone died their at 3:00 or died in an accident but  he did'nt wanted to leave earth.ok  first check ur house's history then make ur house holy wid water or grass u christians use

  2. It appears this spirit does not realize he has died. While people fear ghost when really all they need is respect for them. The kindest thing you can do is set him free. If you are in touch with your spiritual self you can do this yourself. If not get a professional.  If you would like a simple ritual you can perform NOT AS A GAME you can e-mail me.

  3. you are now sure that you are not just dreaming, your house has opened a door to a certain dimension at that certain 3am time,. maybe you where able to buy an antic item or a second hand something that brought that spirit of the dead into your home,. he has to be driven away because he is not safe. if you say its a bright light, my friend he is a good dead guy but still you should not deal with the dead. get some thyme leaves and burn it all over the house and on that certain spot put salt and a mirror he will never apear again. if you find the item that could belong to him trow it out into the garden or bury it.

  4. he could have died there and wants to see his old house how old is your house?

  5. LSD.



    And to a lesser extent:


  6. Ok the best thing to do, is if you don't wanna scare your kids, get them out of the house for the day, call your church and tell them that you are seeing a ghost.. have the father come to your house to help you bless it, after that if it still occours, don't move  just dont get scared, because spirts love too feed of your fear... call in some excpert's ask them what's the best thing too do. Bless your house and tell that spirt "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! ITS MINE LEAVE NOW" shout it then it should leave. Best of luck.

  7. In my opinion, I think it is a ghost. You say you see a bright light, which most likely is an orb. Many think that an orb usually has to do something with the spiritual world. Also, 3:00AM is the time of the devil, known as the devil hour. It is the opposite of 3:00PM which is the hour of Christ's death.

  8. OMG! move out of the house!

  9. This is an odd scenario isn't it?

    The manifestation of the man doesn't seem to be aware of anything untoward until someone actually makes a sound and then he disappears.

    Furthermore he doesn't appear distressed and seems to be going about his business quite happily.

    The time seems to be crucial and repetitive almost like a programme set to pre run on a timer.

    It could be some form of 'time slip' occurring.

    Why not try placing an object such as a chair where he normally appears and see if it makes any difference?

    If you are not too scared, next time he appears resist the temptation to say anything and watch the scene play out.

    Find out a little more about the history of your house and the site it is built on.

    Whatever is occurring it is not malicious and you can always call in professional help to rid the house of these unwanted visitations.
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