
Ghost!!!!!!!! PLZ HELP!!!!!!?

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I have a little problem with ghost, you see, when my grand pa and grand ma bought a house in DR (Dominican Republic) 20 years ago.It cost very low because a teenage drunk died there.After buying it my gp and 8 kids, one of them is my mom. when my aunts and uncles started to grow, they reported to my grandpa that they saw a ghost in their rooms, my gps regarted it. later at night the teenaged ghost started to touch the girls of the family they cried. they had to live like that for 30 yrs.after 30 yrs, me, my sisters, and my cousins were born. we all didnt know about the ghost until 1 night when I was alone with my aunt after a party me aunt was asleep and I was awake 2 check around the house.Thankfully we owned a dog and he was outside guarding the house. Before I go on I have 2 tell you something important DR is a poor country and the light is always out, ill go on.after 10 minutes alone I started hearing the dog bark around the house 3 times around I began getting creped out. After a min of that it stopped. it became quite. after that dishes began 2 brake, ran into the kitchen and saw a young man he smiled at me and disappeared. that freaked me out very much. I was wondering what I should with this problem. The passed owner of the house was the ghost"s father and he said that he died without love or seeing his mother, what should I do?

PS- We tried to clean the room with a priest but didn't work




  1. I dont really beleive in ghosts, but my friend and her family is very spirtutal and beleives in ghosts and say they had experience with them so heres wut they said:

    Best way to get rid of a ghost is to go around house every room screaming im not afraid of you and show no fear

  2. Call ghostbusters!! Or burn sage that helps a lot.....

    say while your burning it:

    i want all evil to be cleared out of this house!

    (in every room once intill you feel peace)

  3. I think if u can help the spirit see his mother in someway he will move on ask him what he wants he may tell u

  4. well, since he smiled at you, he doesnt mean any harm to you. dont be afraid, thats what most people do and it doesnt help. instead the ghost looks at you like ok i didnt do anything adn ur freaking out. try talking to the guy. ask him who his mother was adn somehow arrange for him to meet his mother. maybe if you did that, he would leave you alone.

    hahaha or maybe you can introduce him to a female ghost and let him fall in love with her. haahah jk

  5. well i think even though it scared your pants off you should try to make friends with the ghost... who knows what would happen. you can have a ghost friend and ask him questions and find out more info about him.

  6. The ghost has unfinished business. That said there is three things that you can do.

    -You could try to help him resolve his issues. Bring his mother to him and have her help him to move on.

    -You could try to contact a medium or psychic to help the spirit move on.

    -You could try to get a priest to do an exorcism on the house.  

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