
Ghost Question : Does anyone know what this is? (No skeptics please =D )?

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Last night something was in my room. I dont know if it was a ghost or a demon or what, but i got sick to my stomach. And my entire left side was cold and i was tingling and shaking.

All that happened was i was almost asleep and on my dresser (right next to my head) i heard a freaking LOUD crack. Like someone smacked it or slammed something down on it and it scared me really bad.

I kept trying to go back to sleep but every time i would try it would happen again exactly like the first time.

Also the sensation i described above was overwhelming. I couldnt go to sleep and i knew that whatever it was was trying to keep me awake and i dont know why.

Now before anyone posts saying "ghosts arent real" save it because i know better.

I talked to my friend about it and she says that it happened to her before and we cant understand why they would try to keep you awake because your more vulnerable when your asleep .

So if anyone has dealt with kind of thing before, plz help.




  1. Let's assume that ghosts are real for a moment.

    You say that you can't understand why a ghost would try to keep you awake (because you are more vunerable when you are asleep).

    Vunerable to what?  Are you assuming that a ghost would want to kill you?  Why?  Perhaps it's trying to communicate with you.  By automatically assuming that this 'ghost' is evil, you are showing the very worst of human emotions:  fear of the unknown.  

    Instead of freaking out for no reason, try to keep an open mind....

  2. Since it happens as you fall to sleep it could be related to a hypnic jerk or some other sleep related process. You may be triggering the auditory part of your brain and perceive the trigger as a loud sound or crack. The sensations you experience could  be physiological or psychological. Perhaps a visit with a sleep specialist or psychologist would be beneficial.

    If you went to sleep with a tape recorder on or with someone else in the room that was awake, would could determine if the sound was audible/real or psychological.

    I hope you find a suitable explanation.

  3. "ghosts arent real"

  4. This is a natural occurrence, it happens to lots of people and has to me.  There's nothing paranormal about it.

    It's called a 'Hypnagogic Jerk'.  Fear of the unknown mixed in with that is common which can lead to auditory and visual hallucinations - the stress of which can keep you awake.  Sorry, but that's all it is, it's very common and 'natural'.

  5. Becoming sick to your stomach was just your nerves. You are a spirit being with a shell. After you die, you then become a spirit being with out a shell. Ghost won't hurt you. Demonic beings will. Poltergeist will cause slamming noises, doors opening etc. How old are you, some teens cause their own poltergeist. Maybe it is some one you know that passed away trying to communicate. The cold sensation is usually from a spirit being. Tingling is from them touching you, shaking is from you being scared. Try to have an open mind. If it is some one that you have lost, they apparently need to communicate to you. If there is an overwhelming feeling of evil, then you need to have your house blessed by a priest. I have experienced both. I have had an evil presence in a house I rented, I had the house blessed and took hold of the situation. You can start by demanding that whatever leave your home and burning of sage leaves.  If all fails, you can contact ( trans atlantic paranormal society) aka TAPS. They will help you.


    k, so I was sleeping at my friends house, and i found out that the same thing happened to my friends sister(12yrs) the night before i slept over. When me and my friend woke up the next morning, we went in to her sisters room, planning on jumping on her, but when we jumped on, we were shocked. she had a slit in her throat, and scratchs on her arms... done by claws. So, we later went online and found out that demons make strange clicking noises to anyone they are going to kill in the future. they want you to leave the house, or even the city or country. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. I PROMISE. I WOULD NOT JOKE ABOUT STUFF LIKE THIS.

  7. I just want to might keep awake not because it wants to get you...but because it wants to tell a story...

  8. Actually, you're not more vulnerable while you sleep. Demons only have power when you give them power, and you can only give them power when you're awake.

    If this happens again, command it to go away in the name of Jesus. And MEAN it, don't whisper it. God did not give us a spirit of fear!

  9. If it happens often, get a tape recorder and record it. Go from there.

    Oh, and Delaney M is full of c**p. She is trying to freak you out.

  10. Have you considered that rather than some spirit bothering you, you're just snapping awake when you're near sleep?  This happens to me all the time.  Sometimes it's a noise, sometimes it's a dream of a soccer ball heading for my face.  The only time this ever happens to me is when I'm on the verge of sleep.  Think what you want, but it's irresponsible of you to be closed minded to all the possibilities or to consider improbable causes before natural explanations.

  11. I believe in spirits and entities and "ghosts" and After Death Communication and all sorts of things but I also believe in this statement

    " Look for the most logical explanation first because there is usually one' AND

    "don't allow fright to control your actions and thoughts. Calm down and regulate your breathing and go back to the first satement"

    "Look for the most logical explanation first because there is usually one"

    Sure there are lots of unexplained things but I am sure you will find a logocal explanation.

    Years ago there was this tapping sound and this lady thought it was a spirit trying to contact her and after careful investigation it was the cat l*****g the pan of cold fat put outside on the step!!!

  12. No it was not a demon thats is something else entirely. And yes i do believe in ghosts. But chances are it was just a crack of the house, you know when it makes sounds for no reason and when you are trying to go asleep, it can seem scary because all your senses hone in on what had just happened. But if you would have seen the ghost it would make it a lot better, but I believe it was just your senses over-reacting, it even happens to me sometimes. The cold is just your nerves, you know when you get really scared you feel cold, well thats what happens and when your heart races you get tingling on your body.

  13. For anyone going the, "It's a demon" route, please answer this.

    Imagine you are a demon.  You are pure Evil.  A cohort of satan himself.  There is this 17 year old girl that has somehow caught your attention.  What do you do with all of your supernatural powers?  

    1 Send waves of blood through the bedroom at night?

    2 Possess her mind and make her do your evil bidding?

    3 Terrify her with visions of the dead that have given up their souls?

    4 You wake her up?

    Better be careful.  The next logical step is for this demon to start sending pizza delivery guys to the house with food you didn't order.  Them demons that bang on night stands and wake up sleeping young girls are the worst kind too.  When you find a light on that you thought was turned off, it's too late.

    You should move.

  14. Maybe you were having a physical issue on your own and 'someone' knew and was trying to keep you awake for a reason.

  15. No one can say for sure what it was.Ghost or demon is certainly the least likely.I suspect an overactive imagination.I'm almost psychic in a funny way.I can usually tell a tall tale when I read one.Which is what I suspect you're telling.

    Edit I'm guessing for attention.

  16. it's not keeping you awake that it wants--it's the fear you give off when it smacks that table. And the fear you continue to feel as you lay there trying to go back to sleep. Tell it to leave your house and never come back. Then say that only beings of light and love may enter your home, all else MUST leave. You might also try burning a white candle, pure white, not vanilla white--the dark ones don't like that, as it represents the light. If you have an incense that makes you feel good when you burn it, burn it. Something with a nice positive scent. Though frankincense or frankincese and myrrh are the strongest.

    Was it a demon or just a negative spirit? I honestly don't know, but it was having a lot of fun with you. I've had experience wiht spirits like that, and they can't hurt you. It's the fear he was after. They sort of feed on it.

    Oh, I forgot... the sensations you felt... that's normal to feel with contact with the other side. The cold means he's near you, the tingly is them touching you. The shaking, I don't know, as it really depends... did it feel like you were sitting on top of a washing machine in the spin cycle? Could have been a chakra reaction, to having contact with him.

    Why you attract them.... it could be you have mediumistic tendencies. If you do, you are sort of like a beacon to the other side and unfortunately if you are you're going to get the good with the bad. The bad ones are usually the first to show up to those who are inexperienced in this sort of thing and don't know how to protect themselves yet.

    Peace, love and light

  17. With the amount of sensations that you are feeling, I would say you were/are super sensitive to EMF (electro-magnetic fields). Generally these are formed when a large amount of electricity is present (circuit boxes, a cluster of kitchen appliances...) which can lead to delusional sensations much like you were experiencing. Although in your case, my belief is that you had a spirit that was trying to manifest itself (another reason for EMF). When a spirit is trying to manifest, it will "suck in" all the surrounding energy, and that is what you were experiencing.

  18. What you have experienced I think are demonic spirits. First of all you need to pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Next when you experience that again you should rebuke it commanding it to leave you and your house alone completely in the name of Jesus Christ. Even if you are unable to move or speak say it in your mind and it will leave you alone. If you need further help get a pastor to help you.Take care!!!

  19. fear produces energy ..ghosts manifest by collecting your energy or tapping into it.

  20. I agree with "hislady" about the different energies and light. Love is a powerful protector. Follow her advice. I read all the other answers and hers seems the best.

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