
Ghost Stories[real]?

by Guest45161  |  earlier

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Any strange haunting of you, a friend or even a rumor, but not from a book

Ouija Board


Alien, anything paranormal





  1. I have had several occurrences with the paranormal or ghosts which I have already told about on here.

    For those who don't believe, don't you ever watch Ghost Hunters with the TAPS team on the Sci-Fi channel? They don't always catch anything, but sometimes they do.

    You can even go to:

    There are many many examples here of people who have experienced hauntings. Even those with the UFO's.

  2. i have a story  of a classmate  of my friend who was saying that they was playing with this board. but did not call it the ouija board, so what happen to them was that at 1st they love it. but then they started seeing  things like Ghosts or Demons,  at 1st they thought that it was just in their mind and that she was cutting herself on her skin, and writeing words.  so what happen was that girl,  was telling their parents on what happen and the parents thought she was crazy, and that she was cutting herself  and just making stuff up. for fun.

    and  she thought and said yeah maybe it's all in my mind  and that she was not seeing ghosts. that what she told my class mate,  and then she was playing with it some more,  and the next day  she had blood all over  her arms,  and was screaming for her parents to help her ,  her face was all mess up and everything,  it look like to them that she was cutting her face.

    so the parents  just thought she was crazy,  because she said that see was seeing stuff and hearing voices that said she was going to die.   so the parents was going to help,  and that was sending her away forever. until she got better. because there was no proof  for them. to  say they saw any ghosts in their house.  but to the friend there was and he thought that they was scared  to see it.

    so the day came for her to be sent away to get the best help that  the girl can. but there was one problem the girl was missing  nobody  in the family could find her. and they look for six days all week .and they look everywhere in the house. but one room which was downstairs in the basement.  so they guess she ran away.  which was like the fifth day.  so they was still looking.

      until the mom want to the basement  and saw her  daughter right there hanging  off the chair, with marks on her body next to the bible ,  and the mother was screaming  oh my god hurry call 911.  but it was too  late  when they got there because she was dead.   the cops thought the dad or mom kill her.  because somehow it look like they did,  but here the thing ,they did not because they was looking with the boy. trying to find  there  daughter

    and as for that class mate friend,  who said the story well  as you guess that was her younger brother.  who said it all happen in his life. he is  21 years old now and it happen 5 years ago, so he was 15 years old when it happen. his sister was 18 years old at that time when she was kill.  the parents are in jail,  and he's now living with his grand parents.  

    his name is Jamel Everette  Johnson.   his  sister was name  Marie  Ashley johnson.

    Why did he tell me this because he said he wanted, to be free and tell someone.  and that  i was the right person for him to tell at the right time  of his family life.

  3. My ghost plays lots of tricks on me. I don't actually know her name so I just call her Isabelle. She lwrites on the mirror when it's fogged up, opens my closet doors and pulls stuff of the shelves. Locks doors that have no keys. My fav was I was home alone and I was eating fish crackers. I had about 10 left in a little dish and I ran to the bathroom. I came back and they were in a line nose to tail down my bed.

    My Fiance's aunt and her ex husband used to live in this house that was freaken scary. The one day we could hear a piano playing. The kids had one of those mats you step on and it sound like a piano. So Nicole took the batteries out. It was still playing. My Fiance and I were in his bedroom when he lived there and so much stuff happened there. The one wall is a piece of drywall nailed to the wall and it never stays up. The dogs bark like crazy at the window. Fly's come out of no where constanly. It always feels like you have to pee or like you have a bladder infection when you're laying down. One time when we were having s*x he looked over and saw a face in the closet.

    Numerous encounters with Abchenies

  4. i have heaps of ghost stories.

    but i reckon the best one is seeing a real photo of a ghost. my best mate is tongan (the island Tonga) and as with all islanders they have black hair and really tanned looking skin. anyways, this all happened a few years ago... my best mates cousin got bashed to death at a night club in tonga. my best mates mum actually felt that in her dream though because she kept dreaming that she kept stepping in p**p which means death of a family member or something in tongan - tongans have all these werid symbolic meanings and yeh then they found out that their cousin died. so my best mate and her mum went over to tonga (because they live in australia) for the funeral.. and at tongan funerals they all wear black, with all their long black hair and they are not allowed to colour their hair. anyways, they took some photos of the funeral which is liek the ones you see in the movies at the cemetry with circled around the coffen. anyways, they took photos of the funeral from all different angles of everyone in their black dresses standing around the coffen. so my mate got these photos printed and they were all as they should have been, except one. one particular photo had a girl in it, but this girl was young, she was about 10 years old, but the creepy thing is, this girl wasnt wearing black, she was wearing a white dress with her long black hair. her face was sort of transparent but you could tell that she was looking down at the coffen. so my friend asked the ppl at the coffen if anyone had saw this girl in white dress... no body did, and you would think that if she wasnt a ghost, ppl would notice this girl standing out in a white dress among ppl wearing black dresses. so yeah, its as real as day this photo, i saw it for myself. she only showed up in one photo though. they think it might be another cousin who passed away some time before that.

    another story, this one is pretty freaky: my bf actually got told this story by his mate who's brother it happened to. his brother is all psychotic now since this night.

    so this brother, and 4 other guys were driving along at night, they pulled into a servo to fuel up and they noticed this girl looking for a lift back into town, so anyways they offered her a lift and drop her to her house, 2 dudes sat in the front, 2 in the back and the girl sat in the middle in the backseat. they dropped her off to her house, watched her walk up the pathway to the front door and go into the house, so then they drove off. they noticed that she left her jacket in the backseat of the car, it had her name in it, so the next day they went back to the house they dropped her off to and this lady answered the door and the guys said that 'your daughter left her jacket in our car last night and said, her name is in the jacket. ' the mum replies, thats impossible' and the guys tell her that they saw her go inside the house last nite. and the mum replies 'she died 4 years ago!'

    so thats pretty trippin.

    ive also had some pretty werid **** happen after doing an oija board at my house with some friends one night. during the session, curtains started blowing and candles flickering and an ornament on my dresser fell off - even tho there was no wind because windows and door were shut. and yeh after that session, the spirit must have stayed in the house. at night i could hear someone typing on the keyboard when im the only one awake and then i go and see and it would stop. big heavy swinging door just start swining at nite while everyone asleep even though theres no wind, my stereo would turn up full blast even though i no where nera the dial or remote, id be looking for my asthma puffer running late for school one morning and i cuddnt find it anywhere on my dresser. behind me was my bedside with opened pencil case on it, that some how fell off and so i looked under my bed to get the pencils, and there was my puffer. and another time i was looking everywhere for my watch in my room, and then it suddenly appeared where i had already looked many times on the floor right in the middle. and then we moved house, the ghost must have followed me because i was in my room again one night, i heard the music starting to get slowly louder, i looked at the display on the stereo and the numbers were increasing, i ran out to mum crying, came back in, and the whole thing was turned off. so i made up this apparently some potion off the net to get rid of spirits and words, and yeah nothign happened after that thank god. never tried to hurt me though. i dont live in that town anymore.

    altho, a few ppl from school i knew who were mucking around with oija boards talked about some pretty freaky **** like the car in garage turning on, or waking up with a pizza slicer next to their throat etc.

  5. I was living in Great Lakes Il for the Navy.I was staying at a friend's room.I noticed that it was constantly cold in there.One night while I was in bed sleeping it felt like the edge of the bed went down.Like someone was sitting on it.When she returned later on that night I asked her what that was.She told me that it was the ghost of a little Indian boy.Another thing that happend to me in the same room was that I was in bed with my ex-husband.I woke up the next morning with finger like bruises on my right leg.I asked him if he touched me,he said no.I also do remember seeing a figure of a man in the corner if the room near a lamp.My ex went into the closet to see something and he ran out scared.His face went pale.I asked him what happened and he told me that he saw something so violent.I asked a friend about this and he told that closet belongs to a man called the General.He also told us that my ex was lucky to get out of the closet alive.The next day when I tried to open the closet door,it was locked from the inside.

  6. lady in white storys original version she was hung for adultry on whats now a road here in us its said if you stop and your a man you beter keep driving she will make you wreak your car or the flying duchman crewed by the damed to sail the seas till armegedon they were so violent the battle still rages on in a fort here in texas and the legend of movie that dosent exist about called blood ties tim r page story

  7. about a month after my grandad died i was at my nans house and i heard someone at the door say hello but there was noone there then my stepmum said that she had felt somethin cold run past her she thought it was my stepbrother but he was busy playing at the other side of the room.

    i have had so many paranormal experiences and im only 13.

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