
Ghost at California Toys R Us?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a show that talked about a seance and a photo taken of a teenage ghost/ boy, who also knocks toys off of the racks.

Is this Toys R Us still standing and are they still having activity?




  1. That is a very interesting question, and I would see why a little boy spirit would haunt Toys R Us. I will google that.

    is this the city where the toys R us is located. I found this very quickly!!

    this is a story. In every one I looked at it said the guy was a wood chopper.

    In every one I look at I hear Johnson

    this one has a picture an old one but a picture. Name is still Johnson


    Haunted California Toys R Us.

    is what I typed in!!!

    some pictures of the store.

  2. thats so cool, i havent ever heard of that. im gonna look into it.

  3. I saw a black ghost / shadow person at our local Walmart.  I don't shop there much any more.

  4. Well, I don't think it's unusual for kids to knock toys off racks. I see it all the time. I doubt the ghost story was accurate or there was any activity in the first place but it's really fun to think so, so I'm sure the legend is still going strong.

  5. It sounds like the same one I seen a few years ago, perhaps there is two ghost there. They locked all the doors and set the alarm, I think it was Sylvia Browne that went in with a few others. She saw and spoke to a male ghost as she saw him in the corner of the building indoors doing something with water that really wasn't there. She communicate with him, he complained about all the children that come there on his land that make noise.

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