
Ghost cat in my friends house?

by Guest34192  |  earlier

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I have a friend who had a cat that died and when she moved she started seeing a ghost cat at every house she moved to. Is it possible that it's her cat or is she seeing things because she misses him? I have seen him when I stayed the night at her house but I don't know if I really saw it or if I knew already that I was looking for it and visualized it so that I was just seeing it in my head and thought it was there.




  1. I'm an expert on ghosts and it could be true that it really IS there. The only reason you saw the ghost is because you believed in it. The way to find a ghost or prove it is real is put a camera in a room and tape it. If there is one you can find it in one or 2 nights. Trust me on this one. I found many ghosts in hospitals.  

  2. I think it's perfectly possible, my cat (Misty a completely grey cat) died just outside our house and my present cats keep watching something i can't see. And Sparky keeps jumping into the window and watches something with his tail wagging and i  look and there isn't anything out there. Misty's sisters died as well but 1 died on the way to the vets and the other in the vets so i don't think it's them, so it's got to be Misty. And it can't be a person because my mum and dad have lived in this house since it was built. I don't think she's mad i think the cat is just keeping an eye on her to make sure she's alright.

    Hope i helped.

  3. i think it's possible! does it look like her old cat or is it just a cat?

  4. Ignore mechanic he talks c**p! Mechanic is accusing me of being cruel to my cat and killing my cat simply because I let her outside like many other cat owners do. My cat died of kidney failure NOT by anthing from outdoors. I think it's cruel to hold a cat captive indoors as mechanic claims to do. And he also thinks it's funny to harass me on here.

    I believe as much as it sounds crazy this can happen. Had this happen when my dog had to be put to sleep. I was only 8 but remember seeing him the next day .

  5. Well, it is possible. If the cat and the owner were 'close', then the cat would be watching out for her, bieng kind of like an angel cat, like it thinks it's actually there, which is possible. I belive in this stuff. Probably the spirit of a good cat. :)

  6. of course it's possible that it is her cat.

  7. No, it isn't possible.

    Newsflash: "Ghost cats" don't exist


    Oh yeah, ignore me, but listen to laplandfan. I'm the one with a LIVING cat, and laplandfan is the one with a DEAD cat. So I guess that would make her the expert on "ghost cats." And I guess it would make me the expert on not getting my pets killed.

  8. Honestly, it sound crazy... but the same thing happened to me (and still is). My cat died about a year ago and I still see her. I have two other cats and one dog and I know it's not them that I'm seeing. So, you may have actually seen something. But in both cases, it's probably wishful thinking.

  9. that is crazy but possible maybe the cat looking out for her.

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