
Ghost in my school?!?

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There is a kindergarten building next to my school. Nuns used to live in the upstairs of the building. The teachers believe there is a ghost in there because when they are alone in the building they hear foot steps. Today me and my friend when to the bathroom upstairs in the building.(which quite creepy) We were the only in there. When I was washing my hands (my friend was right next to me but facing toward the stalls) when I here a door opening and closing. My friend told me to turn around because the stall door was opening a closing by itself. I turned around and then it stopped. Me and my friend think there is a ghost nun living in the building. Next time we go there we want to try to make contact with the ghost to prove there is really a ghost. How do we make contact with the ghost?




  1. Well if the nun did live/work there it is possible you may not be able to communicate with it because there might be a possibility of it being a residual spirit which is - A spirit (left over energy)  is unaware of time and space and does not interact with the people or places of the current time." Kind of like taking a VHS and pressing rewind you will get the same thing over and over again .”

    --- It opening and closing doors , in the past it was familar with its surrounding so it is repeating a never ending process :)

    To Contact it :


    Do an E.V.P. Session or recording session

    ----Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): An EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present at the recording but after playing back the tapes there are sometimes strange voice recordings.

    what we do is explain what a recorder is

    *Please speak loudly into the device with the red dot on it, it helps us hear your voice.*

    - we usally record for like 15 - 20 mins a session and give about 15- 40 secs in between each question we ask :)

    It takes time for them to reply, their voice isn’t as quick as ours in replying.

    Ask Questions with a digital recorder like :

    1. Is any one here.

    2. Is there any one who would like to make their presence known?

    3. Can you give us a sign your here.

    4. Can you give us a sign your here by making a noise or moving some thing.

    5. What is your age or how old are you?

    6. What year is it or do you know what year it is?

    7. Can we help you?

    8. Do you need help?

    9. Are you lost?

    10. Are you upset we’re here?

    11. Would you like us to leave?

    12. Are you upset the home owners are here.

    13. Is this your home / business?

    14. If you have any thing to say speak loudly into the tape recorder. (Explain what the tape recorder is).

    15. We’re here to try and help you; we’re not here to harm you. Please let us know what we can do.

    you can also bring a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usally the higher the megapixel drowns out spirit formation and may cause Matrixes  *which is what many people Misinterpret  certain things in photos to be evidence of paranormal*

    after you do that with the photos and E.V.P.s  i have programs where i can analyze them for you :) you can email me privately which is on my site i attached the link !            

    *if it is residual there is a high chance you might not get E.V.P.s though are team has recieved Residual E.V.P.s

    I hope i have helped :)


    Lead Investigator

    T.H.E. P.R.O.S

    Team Hunting Evidence of Paranormal Research Occurrences Society

    *please sign the guestbook :) *

  2. Bring a tape recorded to do an evp and ask questions with a bout a 5-10 second spacing between them. Then later on play it back and listen for and sounds that weren't made during the recording that you heard. Also don't talk while asking the questions. Good luck and tell me how it turns out!

  3. If those nuns are like the ones that taught us you could bring in another attractive nun (or dress like one yourself)... Our nuns were evil lesbians and I'm sure that will weed her right out of her hiding place.

  4. I am a paranormal researcher. I'm worried about how old you are. Sometimes making contact causes the entity to become stronger or angry. Get some grown ups involved. Some paranormal investigators would be a good safe idea.

    Remember to show the ghost some respect.


    Kankakee Paranormal Research Illinois

    ISPI Investigations Illinois

  5. Just don't use a Ouija board, you are asking for trouble with those.

  6. Nobody really knows, although you'll get a lot of opinion on the subject. Why don't you bring a video camera and bring back some evidence?

  7. you could use an ouija board, maybe the ghost will contact you with that.

  8. well,babysteps are best. start out by greeting it & then talking 2 will respond when it (if it) feels the need. mostly they dont,so dont waste your time.

  9. dont upset them,

    ask questions,

    if it talks back (says its lonely or something) ask if you can help her/it

  10. i wouldnt be messing around with that stuff

  11. did they see my face too, sheeet.

  12. Put out a plate of rice krispie treats. I hear ghost nuns pound those things like an antelope at an elephant kill. Good luck.

  13. ask it a question......

  14. throw flour on them!!

  15. A school is usually big enough that you can't be positive that you are alone in it. Add to the equation that school buildings tend to echo a lot and because of their designs it can be hard to tell where it is coming from.

    Just make sure that you don't hype yourselves up and be illogical about it.

  16. Do you really want to have a old hag nun hanging out with you?  What if she fallows you home, yuk!?  Somethings are better left alone.

  17. Ghosts aren't real. Santa isn't real, god isn't real.

  18. A door moving by itself?  Case closed.  It's a ghost.  There is no other possible explanation.

    Why do you want to prove (or disprove) there is a ghost?  What you *should* want to do is to investigate in an unbiased manner to see what is going on.  Assume nothing.  Make no claims or assumptions that aren't based on fact or at least a high degree of reason or probability.  You could even turn it into a science project.

    Ouija boards are not portals to the "other side" (whatever that is), they are parlor games.  They operate through something called the ideomotor effect.  Look it up.

    EVPs are nonsense, so don't waste your time talking to an empty room.

  19. They say that school building, after everyone is gone, resound with the echoes of the occurrences of time.  To contact a ghost, you need supernatural powers. Whoa, remember you are imperfect and are trying to contact a spirit, probably superior to you.  Be careful because you may be deceived into thinking that YOU can contact that ghost, when in reality, I don't think God, the One with the power is going to just hand you supernaturals.  Maybe the Imperfect one will deceive you into thinking that you may contact a spirit, but in reality It will use you for Its gain-imperfection, and get a good laugh at the same time.  Good (God in old English)-LUCK!

  20. Whatever you do please for your own safety do not use a Ouija board...or else you will most definately suffer the other side's consequences. What you might wanna do is try out EVP (electronic voice phenomena) or take a video or digital camera to the school and figure out what's really lurking around the school. Most likely, EVP is the one that always usually works the most if the area is haunted (how do I know? Well i'm a some-what ghost hunter, I have a small group of friends that ghost hunts with me to different houses that are suspected to be haunted, we're called the EEPI). Well hope I helped!
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