
Ghost in the attic?

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OK, my jusband & I have been hearing footsteps in the attic quite a bit lately. The other night, my daughter was on the sofa, I was on a chair & the cat on the floor. Suddenly, a white figure came right by my chair as if going out the door, the cat stared & it disappeared. I just looked & my daughter said, "I saw it too mom". The other night, we had the air on because the whether here has been so hot & it's been running all day. I walked into the bedrm. & I thought my husband was sleeping. Instead, I screamed because he was at the window. I just said "don't do that, you scared me" He then turned toward the window as if to open it. I said "what are you doing?" Then I heard, "Who are you talking to?" I woke my husband, It wasn't him. When I screamed, it disappeared. I've been told that I attract ghost since I grew up with them. I put salt outside the door so it can't come in. didn't work. Am I crazy? Is this real? So much more going on too. Help, please.




  1. Maybe someone is living up there. In Japan this lady lived in this guy's closet for a year and he never knew it.


    but if they wanted to hurt you they would have all ready doon it!!!

    so you should try to talk to them they mite go in the end!

    i have ghosts to but i dont see them as much

  3. I'm not properly qualified to answer this question but I'd like to help. You can say a few catholic prayers like the 'Our Father' or I think the 'Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel' works best. After that just confron the ghost and tell it that it's your house and tell it to leave and to stop bothering you. I hope that helps and I'd like to know if it does.

    Here's St. Michael's Prayer:

    Saint Michael the Archangel,

    defend us in battle.

    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

    and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -

    by the Divine Power of God -

    cast into h**l, satan and all the evil spirits,

    who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


  4. Mermer, email me with this question please. Your going to get a bunch of stuff that will confuse you and some that will be true information. Apparently these are recent hauntings. How long have you lived in that house and nothing has happened. Now things are happening? Why not sooner? Have you done a history search on the home? This could give you the answers you are looking for. Just e me and I can maybe help you with what is troubling you.

    Love and Blessings

  5. my mum is a furtune telling, and she says where ever you go there are going to be ghosts

  6. Cool experiences. You should look into this. Try doing some digital voice recording for EVPs and maybe even video up there for a few hours. If you're into it, get an Ouija and try to communicate some.

  7. I know it's easier said than done but you just have to ignore them. Don't give them any attention. I you see one just walk away like nothing was there. No you not crazy, I've had some weirds things happen too.

  8. Try talking to the ghosts.  If you don't want them in your house, or at least not where you ARE in the house (I'd let them live in the attic), then just tell them, "Look, this is MY house now, and it bothers me when you show up like that.  Please stay in the attic, or you can go on to Heaven, or wherever, if you want.  I'll take care of the house now. "   If they are nice ghosts, they should cooperate.  

    If they are NOT nice ghosts, they probably feed on fear.  (Has anyone been messing with occult things they don't understand recently?)  If they're negative entities, they'll try to scare you, so they can replenish their energy.  I know this sounds silly, but try laughing at them.  Or sing happy songs, or hymns, if those work for you.  Or make love.  Or do whatever makes you feel GOOD.  And keep doing it.  Negative entities feed on fear, anger, sadness, greed -- any sort of negative emotion.  You can starve them out quite quickly, because they'll figure that you know what they're doing and they'll go harass someone who doesn't  know what they're doing.    You can also tell the negative entities, "Look, I know you need negative energy, and you won't get it here, so go away ... NOW!"  You can use religious figures, or a bible, if it makes you feel better.

    You can smudge your house with sage or sweet grass or incense, after starving them of negative energy.  The salt won't help if they're already inside.   There are many ways to psychically/spiritually cleanse your house.  Salt DOES play a part in many of those rituals.

    Let sunshine in, bring live flowers in, play pretty music ... anything to keep the atmosphere bright and cheerful.   Hang crystals in the sunny windows to bring in rainbows.  Windchimes making pretty sounds are also helpful.  

    Doing all the positive stuff won't hurt nice ghosts; it won't hurt the bad ones either, it will just make the bad ones want to leave.  The nice ghosts might like all the sunshine and flowers.

    Above all, do whatever you need to do to your house to encourage happy energy.  

    If you need further help, you can email me for more specifics.
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