
Ghost investigation?

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so i want to start paranormal investigation.(ghosts if you will)well im 13 and i have no money i ahve a computer(for software)i have a couple cameras i could use but i dont know what else i need. im going to be starting b doing some "haunted" places in town

any help of how i9 can start off?




  1. I would consider finding a team in your area that possibly would consider mentoring a young person with your parents permission.  It is safer that way and you will gain valuable experience learning what and what not to do.  They will be best to advise you about what equipment you may want to invest in as time goes by as well as the proper way to use it.

    It is never advisable to go alone or be a part of a group of people as young as yourself roaming the cemeteries or abandoned buildings at any time. So many have abused these areas and caused local law enforcement to be very wary of anyone who would do it.  You don't want your first experiences to be bad ones.

  2. For equipment, go here:

  3. I have been paranormal investigating for 6 years now and I can give you some real true advice, whether it's what you want to hear, or not.

    To be a good paranormal investigator, you must be that a paranormal "researcher" Going to cemeteries or even people's homes and flashing a camera, taking evps, and waving around an emf detector is not the way to go. You have to know what you are looking for and how to use your equipment to find that, first of all. You must be a skeptic (not a debunker). You have to have the right mindset to do this because the people calling you are really scared and need your help. You have to have a professional attitude and have all of the right paperwork.

    There's so much more than what you see on T.V. Don't become one of the teams that the paranormal community is ashamed of. I would really try to join a reputable team around your area and get some experience.

    Also, pick up the book "The Ghost Hunter's Guidebook" by Troy Taylor.

    It's the best book I've ever read. It will really help you!


  4. For the computer, Audacity (a free program) helps with checking audio recordings for EVP's.

    For photos, the GIMP (also free) can't be beat.

    You will also need a flashlight, a pen or a pencil, and a notepad or notebook... cameras make it cool if you find something, but don't expect to!

    Sounds like you're set! Now all you need to do is to educate yourself about ghosts. On the TAPS web site, there is a section on the upper-left (right under the "need help" banner) that says "Articles" on it. Read those! They'll help you get a jump-start on what kinds of things you're looking for.

    Also, if you find something you're not sure about, Google is your friend!

  5. make sure it's legal to go into the buildings. Note no trespassing signs, etc.

  6. as of now your to young. you can go to school and study paranormal events in college though. frankly I think the main stream ghost buster version thing that paranormal studies has become is complete nonsense. but your beliefs are your own. learn about it. go to college and study it, find your own beliefs about it, THEN get a job doing it. your still young and should investigate what you like but not focus to to hard on a career. I do admire your enthusiasm though :) good luck
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