
Ghost living in my house??....(read)?

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I have a lot of paranormal activities that go on in my home. Sometimes the room I'm in becomes ridiculously cold for a few short minutes or hours on end. Like today at home I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap and I got goose bumps up my right arm as if someone was touching it but it didn't go away for about an hour(I remained seated). Other times I hear voices when no one is around. Especially nights when I'm in bed(not going sleep) reading. One night a while ago, I kept hearing my bf's name. Only he and I were home and he was asleep so I know it wasn't him. I know I'm not crazy just very sensitive. My bf has also had the room go cold when I'm not here so they aren't specifically following/watching me. I only want to know who they are and why they are here so much. I'm not afraid just concerned that something maybe wrong and they can't warn me. Any suggestions or other help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Classic signs, so the answer is yes.  Your intuition is usually right.

    The question then becomes, do you want this energy there?  If not, you must take steps to send it on its way.  If you don't mind, then directly tell it exactly what you do and don't like and leave it at that.  The problem is these are often discarnates, which really should be moving on.

    How is the "Luck" in the home?  Any accidents or mishaps?  Sometimes discarnates hanging around can cause mishaps, or interfere with positive life force flowing in ones life.  This is why I don't believe in having or allowing these folks to be around, they can inhibit ones growth and path in life.

    If you do want to send them packing, know there are risks. You can "Aggro" a ghost pretty easily.  But ultimately, they will have to go as this is your domain, not theirs, they are just "Stuck".  You'd probably be helping them along.

  2. Contact Middle Tennessee Paranormal Society 931-644-7085 talk to Jim or Jennifer. or E-mail at they will investigate your home for free and try and find out what is going on. We are very discrete and will not display any information we find. The reveal will only be to you. We have everything TAPS has if you have seen the show and have conducted over 20 Investigations to date. We can help all you need to do is talk with them and set a date! Hope it helps. I am the case manager for Middle Tennessee Paranormal Society .

  3. Find a local investigation group that might want to come to your place and check it out or get out a digital voice recorder (like the kind you use in a classroom setting even, doesnt have to be fancy). And ask questions, leave it running all night even. And then listen back to it. Look up EVP theory. Might help.

    Also talk to them. Maybe they will go away.

    What state do you live in? BERMUDA! I found a group nearby you. Email them, they could at the very least offer advice.

  4. Maybe you can try recording some EVP's, and try to find a ghost hunting group in your area. I am sure they would be happy to help you.

    Good luck

  5. Since you can obviously hear and feel them, ask them, out loud. Tell them you know they're there and ask them if there's anything they want or need. They're just trying to get your attention, but it could be something as simple as them needing help. I've come across a variety of different reasons why they come to me, from being lost and seeing my light, to children who need crossed over, to a father whose three boys wouldn't cross over, b/c the littlest was afraid and the older two wouldn't leave him, he wanted my help convincing the youngest that everything was okay. Have had several who died lonely and just wanted someone to hear thier story and care that they'd lived.

    If he does indeed need crossing over, say a prayer for him and ask that his angels come to escort him over.

    Peace to you

  6. I am a medium and I get the insight that they are more connected with your bf, you just have more sensitivity to them. I think they are trying to warn you of something going on with your bfs health. I can tell your when you feel that tingle like the hairs of  your arm go wild you are feeling then touching you. They definitely don't mean any harm. With this being over the internet you may want to check your health too it could be yours. But I definitely am getting that someones health need checking and they are trying to warn you. Who ever it is in the home they know you like, family or an old friend or someone. Hope I don't scare you and that I can help with this info, but I really feal strong about the health check.

  7. make friends with him...:-), your soul is much more powerful, show him who is in chard there.....

  8. Ghost- spirit...could be your husband's spirit guide connecting with him.

    Usually when a spirit tries to manifest, they draw the energy out of the air around it. That's when it would get cold, or draw the energy out of any electrical equipment near, sometimes a computer would go off completely for a few seconds, or something with new batters good dead for a minute. They draw energy to manifest.

    Try speaking to it, and see if they answer back, ask for their name, and get a feel of the spirit. Who knows you may make a new friend:)

    Usually we are scared when we don't have all the answers....I made a friend ~she's my spirit guide.

  9. My suggestion if you really wanna know, is get a digital voice recorder and simply ask... make sure your mic is set to highest sensitivity and as what ever you want to know wait 30 or 40 seconds and ask another question.  There are many programs for your computer to then download the recording and play it back to see what u have, I use Audacity it seems to work pretty well, and you can download it free. Go to and look for it there is a link to download it then you can filter out background noise or whatever you need to do to pull the voices you get (if any) out where they are clearer.  A digital camera would be a good idea also.  If you wanna know about the EM F's (electromagnetic fields) just get a simple compass if something is disturbing the fields the compass will move.  Let us know what you find out.  Thank you, MAPS

  10. so do i...ours is a little boy, i have learnd to embrace it

    just dont be meen to it

    if you want a psychic to come contact MARY OCCHINO she is THE best,,if you have a priest come its no biggie we had tht just to make sure

    dont be afraid to try to talk to it

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