
Ghost shrimp breeding?

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i looked in today and saw my ghost shrimp have mated and one has eggs, what do i need to do to be sure they all hatch?




  1. Normally, healthy Ghost Shrimp will breed with little encouragement when kept in groups.

    Female freshwater Ghost Shrimp carry their eggs underneath their swimmerets while the eggs are developing. Movement of these legs helps to oxygenate the eggs, which are visible as tiny dark balls.

    Ghost Shrimp native to brackish waters produce larvae that are basically planktonic, and this type seems to be more difficult to raise.

    Other animals in their aquariums often eat newborn Ghost Shrimp, so you may wish to keep egg carrying freshwater females by themselves.

    The newborn shrimp look much like insect larvae, and are usually too small to catch in a net; hence, the necessity of moving them while the larger female still retains their eggs. Provide plenty of plants or other small hiding places in the aquarium for the young Ghost Shrimp.

    It is generally believed that baby Ghost Shrimp should be kept in aquariums with dark or covered sides, as many breeders have observed a propensity in these animals to swim toward light, usually ramming themselves into the glass walls of their aquariums and perishing. An overhead light is, however, found to be useful.

    After the babies have hatched, the parent Ghost Shrimp should be removed. Normally the young Ghost Shrimp will feed off of rotifers and other small organisms living in plants in their aquariums, though they can also be fed artemia, or hatchling brine shrimp, in addition to liquefied food or minute algae.

    Brackish water Ghost Shrimp often benefit from brackish aquariums heavily grown with algae, where they can feed off of algae and microorganisms.

    By the time they are large enough to look like the adult Ghost Shrimp, they can be fed the same food as adults.

  2. Don't move your female to another tank.  Just keep her in the one she's already in and keep the water quality up, and she'll have her babies just fine.  Moving her to a 'pregnancy tank' is not recommended because pregnant ghost shrimp are fragile and moving them usually kills them.  :(  Just keep feeding her like normal and she'll be fine.  The baby shrimp like to eat infusoria, if you have any.  It's easy to make your own infusoria, just follow the directions on this website:,...

    If you really want to make sure your babies live, add some nursery grass to the tank to give them a place to hide once they're born.  If they don't have a place to hide, the fish and parent shrimp will eat them.
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