
Ghost shrimp good tank mates for goldfish or bettas?

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I have a 3 gallon aquarium with two small goldfish and a Betta in it. The two goldfish are both barely an inch long (from tip to tail) and my Betta is surprisingly tolerant of them both. What I was wondering is could I safely introduce a couple of ghost shrimp into the tank without worrying about the 3 fish picking on (or possibly killing!) them?




  1. Bettas will attack any fish, and with goldfish no they might eat them by acsedent!  Also some bettas dont  mind other fish but that is rare to find. You can keed you goldfish and betta together if you are sure they dont fight!  Sorry to say some small shrimp are meant to be food for fish bigger than them and they might get eaten even if your fish are fine with each other doesnt mean they are going to be fine with fish that look like food! Sorry no. Also if you want to you should buy another tank.

  2. woahh..... ok, first off a betta needs a 5gallon heated filtered tanks, and the goldies needa  40 to 50 gallon heeavily filtered tand... i would not get anymore fish till you can provide for the oned yo have....

  3. Most ghost shrimp are meant to be food for larger fish, yes that is sad to know it. But a 3 gallon aquarium wont make them survive for long at most 1 week. Unless your aquarium is a planted tank then that make a different story. A planted tank provide protection for the shrimp and also food. but pairing it up with betta will be a problem dont recommand it to be with betta.

  4. I hate to say this, but you need some professional help with stocking your tank. A male betta will do fine in a 3 gallon tank alone, he will definitely eat the shrimp. The goldfish will require a tank of at least 25 gallons for 2 of them, but don't mix them with a betta. Bettas need a heater and are tropical fish, whereas goldfish need coldwater, and produce lot's of waste. Either you will need to buy a larger tank for your goldfish and separate the fish, or bring the goldfish back to the store. I am surprised a pet store would not give you this advice, but who would expect that.

  5. ghost shrimp are good pets but i dont think for those kind of fish if u get a goldfish u should get 2 and a bettas love to be alone

  6. dont worry..they will die in a few days...dont get more creatures tht will die in a pitiful way...betta with goldfish??in a 3 gallon tank??OMG...please separate them..get the 2 goldfish a 40 gallon tank..let the betta be cud add shrimps to betta's tank when he is alone...dont put shrimps with goldfish they will snack on them..

  7. I think your tank is too small for any more fish.  The Betta will eventually attack someone in the tank.  Best not to add any more fish of any kind.  Maybe you could add some plants.

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